To Add an Integrated External Application Resource to MYOB Site Map

To add an integrated an external application to be used as MYOB Acumatica form, you use Application Resources (SM301010) form. For more information about integrations with external applications, see Integration with External Applications.

To Add Integrated Application to MYOB Site Map

  1. Open the Application Resources (SM301010) form.
  2. In the Application ID box, you select an integration with an external application that contains a resource to be added in MYOB Acumatica.
  3. On the form toolbar, click Publish to the UI. In the dialog box that opens, do the following:
    1. In the Site Map Title box, you type the name of the resource page to be displayed on the site map. Other boxes are populated automatically, based on the values you specified. The Workspace and Category boxes are populated with the default values for the application resources. For details see, Categories and Workspaces for Entities of Specific Forms.
    2. In the Screen ID, leave the automatically assigned identifier.
    3. In the Access Rights section, specify the access rights for the selected resource. You can select one of the following options:
      • Set to Granted for All Roles: The system will set the access rights for this form to Granted for all user roles in the system.
      • Set to Revoked for All Roles: The system will set the access rights for this form to Revoked for all user roles in the system.
      • Copy Access Rights from Screen (default): The system will copy the set of the access rights from the specified form.
    4. Click Publish to publish the dashboard and close the dialog box.
  4. On the form toolbar, click View Resource to display the MYOB Acumatica page with the external application resource selected on the form.
    The screen ID, title, workspace, and category of an inquiry can be modified on the Site Map (SM200520) form.