Project Tasks: Related Report and Inquiry Forms
In the following sections, you can find details about the reports and inquiry forms you may want to review to gather information about particular project tasks.
Finding Project Transactions Related to a Project Task
To find the project transactions that are related to a particular project task, you can view the cost budget lines or revenue budget lines grouped by project task. To do this, you select the Group by Task check box on the Cost Budget tab or Revenue Budget tab, respectively, of the Projects (PM301000) form. Then you click the aggregated line on the tab, and on the table toolbar, click View Transactions. The system opens the Project Transaction Details (PM401000) form with the list of project transactions that are related to this project and project task.
Printing Task Information
To generate a printable report with the project task information, you use the Project Tasks (PM632000) report form. The report provides a list of either all the project tasks, grouped by customer, or only the project tasks for the customer you select. You can also prepare a report with the project tasks of the projects assigned to a particular project manager.