Filter Settings Dialog Box

You can use the Filters Settings dialog box, which opens after you click the Filter Settings button on the form toolbar or in the filtering area, to create, delete, and manage your reusable filters for a particular form.

Filter Settings Dialog Box

Element Description
Filter name box An unlabeled box that contains a drop-down list of the names of the filters that can be applied to the currently selected form. You can select a filter name to see the details of the filter.

A check box that indicates (if selected) that this is the default filter for the selected form—that is, the tab with the filter is displayed when the form is opened.

As the maximum, two filters can have the Default check box selected for one form: one is shared and another is not shared (a filter that you have created for your personal use). If two default filters are created for the form, the tab with the not shared filter is displayed when you open the form.

If the filter is shared (the Shared check box is selected for the filter), the check box is available only if the user account under which you are signed in has access to shared filters.


A check box that indicates (if selected) that the filter is shared with other users. That is, the users that have access to shared filters can view and edit this filter.

If the filter is shared (the Shared check box is selected for the filter), the check box is available only if the user account under which you are signed in has access to shared filters.

For more information about shared filters, see Managing Advanced Filters.

Filter Settings Table

A table that contains the clauses that make up the filter, with each row defining one clause of the filter. For details, see Filter Settings Table.

If the filter is shared (the Shared check box is selected for the filter), the table is available only if the user account under which you are signed in has access to shared filters.

This dialog box has the following buttons.
New Clears all filter settings currently displayed in the dialog box so that you can specify new filter settings. If the settings in the dialog box have not been saved before you click New, they will be lost.

Gives you the ability to enter a name for the new filter and save it, or saves the existing filter after you have modified it.

If the filter is shared (the Shared check box is selected for the filter), the button appears only if the user account under which you are signed in have access to shared filters.

Copy Saves an existing filter under a new name.

Deletes the filter from the system.

If the filter is shared (the Shared check box is selected for the filter), the button appears only if the user account under which you are signed in has access to editing shared filters—that is, to the Filters (CS209010) form.


Applies the filter and closes the dialog box.

If the filter is shared (the Shared check box is selected for the filter), the button appears only if the user account under which you are signed in has access to shared filters.

Cancel Closes the dialog box without filtering the data.

Filter Settings Table

For a filter, the Filter Settings table contains clauses that make up the filter, with each row defining one clause of the filter. A filter may contain just one clause, or it may contain multiple simple clauses that you combine into one logical expression by using brackets and logical operators. The columns of the table are described below.

If the filter is shared (the Shared check box is selected for the filter), the table is available only if the user account under which you are signed in has access to shared filters.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Active A check box that you select for filter clauses that you want to be active. (This check box is not, however, available for ad hoc filters on reports.)

As you enter a clause, it becomes active, with the Active check box automatically selected. To quickly modify the filter, you can clear the Active check boxes for some of the clauses to exclude them from the filter.

Brackets A set of opening brackets that can be used to group clauses. You can use brackets to make a filter that spans multiple rows.
Property Required. The property to be used for filtering, which you select from a list that includes the properties associated with the particular table or report the filter will be applied to.
Condition Required. The logical operation to be applied to the value of the selected property. The available conditions depend on the selected property. Select the condition from the list, which may include the following options:
  • Equals: Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is equal to the value in the Value box.
  • Does Not Equal: Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is not equal to the value in the Value box.
  • Is Greater Than: Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is greater than the value in the Value box.
  • Is Greater Than or Equal To: Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is greater than or equal to the value in the Value box.
  • Is Less Than: Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is less than the value in the Value box.
  • Is Less Than or Equal To: Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is less than or equal to the value in the Value box.
  • Is Between: Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is between the values in the Value and Value2 boxes.
  • Contains: Displays the records for which the value of the specified property (if it is a string) contains the value in the Value box.
  • Does Not Contain: Displays the records for which the value of the specified property (if it is a string) does not contain the value in the Value box.
  • Ends With: Displays the records for which the value of the specified property ends with the same character or string as the value in the Value box.
  • Starts With: Displays the records for which the value of the specified property contains at the beginning the value in the Value box.
  • Is Empty: Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is empty (null).
  • Is Not Empty: Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is not empty (not null).
  • Is In (for properties of the User type): Displays the records for which the value of the specified property (a user) is included in the workgroup selected in the Value box. You can select this option for the @MyGroups and @MyWorktree clauses.
  • Is Not In (for properties of the User type): Displays the records for which the value of the specified property (a user) is not included in the workgroup selected in the Value box. You can select this option for the @MyGroups and @MyWorktree clauses.

The following conditions are obsolete and have been preserved for compatibility with previous versions of MYOB Advanced. We recommend that you use date-relative clauses instead of these conditions (for details, see Advanced Filters: General Information):

  • Today (for values of the date type): Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is equal to the current business date.
  • Overdue (for values of the date type): Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is overdue in comparison to the current business date.
  • Today+Overdue (for values of the date type): Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is equal to the current business date or overdue in comparison to the current business date. (This is a combination of the Today and Overdue conditions).
  • Tomorrow (for values of the date type): Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is equal to the day after the current business date.
  • This Week (for values of the date type): Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is within the current week.
    Tip: The start and end of the week are determined based on the default system locale or the locale that you selected when you signed in to MYOB Advanced. The system locales are specified and configured on the System Locales (SM200550) form.
  • Next Week (for values of the date type): Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is within the week after the current week.
    Tip: The start and end of the week are determined based on the default system locale or the locale that you selected when you signed in to MYOB Advanced. The system locales are specified and configured on the System Locales (SM200550) form.
  • This Month (for values of the date type): Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is within the current month. (The current month contains the current business date.)
  • Next Month (for values of the date type): Displays the records for which the value of the specified property is within the month after the current month. (The current month contains the current business date.)
Value The value for the logical condition used to filter the data, if the selected condition requires a value. The value you enter must conform with the data type of the selected property. You can enter or select a fixed value or one of the predefined parameters (which are listed in Advanced Filters: General Information).
Value2 The second value for the logical condition, if the selected logical condition requires a second value (as, for example, the Is Between condition does). The value you enter must conform with the data type of the selected property. You can enter or select a fixed value or one of the predefined parameters (which are listed in Advanced Filters: General Information).
Brackets A set of closing brackets to group clauses. You use brackets for filters with multiple clauses.
Operator The logical operator (And or Or) to be used between clauses or groups of clauses. You select this operator to join the current clause with the next one. Use the And operator to find the records that meet the criteria in both the selected clause and the next clause. Use the Or operator to find the records that meet the criteria in either the selected clause or the next clause. You can apply these operators to single clauses or groups of clauses.