Working with Reports: Process Activity

In the following activity, you will practice generating some MYOB Advanced reports, so that you become familiar with the report parameters you can adjust to meet your needs.

Attention: This activity is based on the U100 dataset. If you are using another dataset, or if any system settings have been changed in U100, these changes can affect the workflow of the activity and the results of the processing. To avoid any issues, restore the U100 dataset to its initial state.

Video Tutorial

This video shows you the common process but may contain less detail than the activity has. If you want to repeat the activity on your own or you are preparing to take the certification exam, we recommend that you follow the instructions in the activity steps.



Suppose that you are David Chubb, a new sales manager of the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company. It is the end of January 2023, and you need to view the data about inventory items that have been sold in January and the statuses of sales orders that have been created for your customer, GoodFood One Restaurant.

Process Overview

In this activity, you will do the following:

  1. Run a report
  2. Change the report parameters and rerun the report
  3. Create a template for a report
  4. Define the template as your default for the report
  5. Share the report template with other users
  6. Configure an ad hoc filter for the report
  7. Print a report to a PDF file
  8. Export a report to an Excel spreadsheet

System Preparation

Before you start working with MYOB Advanced reports, make sure that the following tasks have been performed:

  • You have installed an MYOB Advanced instance with the U100 dataset, or a system administrator has performed this task for you.
  • You have signed in to MYOB Advanced with the following credentials:
    • Username: chubb
    • Password: 123

    For details, see Accessing MYOB Advanced: Process Activity.

  • The business date in your system is set to 1/30/2023. If a different date is displayed, click the Business Date menu button in the top pane of the MYOB Advanced screen, and select 1/30/2023 in the calendar.

Step 1: Running a Report

Suppose that you need to find out sales profitability for stock items in January 2023. You will use the Sales Profitability by Item Class and Item (AR674000) report to view this information.

To run this report, do the following:

  1. On the main menu, click Sales Orders. The Sales Orders workspace opens.
  2. In the Reports category of the workspace, click Sales Profitability by Item Class and Item. The report form opens, from which you can run the report.
  3. On the Report Parameters tab (which is displayed automatically when a report form opens), do the following:
    1. In the From Date box, make sure that the 1/1/2023 value is selected.
    2. In the To Date box, make sure that the 1/30/2023 value is selected.
    3. On the report form toolbar, click Run Report. The report is generated and displayed in the working area.

      Notice that the report toolbar has a different set of buttons than the report form toolbar does. The Parameters button is still available, which you can use to switch between the report and the report form.

Step 2: Changing the Report Parameters and Rerunning the Report

Suppose that you need to modify the parameters of the Sales Profitability by Item Class and Item (AR674000) report so that you can see the completed transactions for apples sold to GoodFood One Restaurant in January 2023.

To change the report parameters, do the following:

  1. While you are still viewing the generated Sales Profitability by Item Class and Item (AR674000) report, click Parameters on the report toolbar to switch to the report form.
  2. On the Report Parameters tab, do the following:
    1. In the Report Format box, select Summary.
    2. In the Inventory box, select APPLES.
    3. In the Customer box, select GOODFOOD.
    4. Clear the Released Transactions Only check box.
    5. Select the Completed Transactions Only check box.
  3. On the report form toolbar, click Run Report. The report, which displays the summary data on sales profitability for apples in January 2023, is generated and displayed in the working area.

Step 3: Creating a Template for a Report

Suppose that currently you only work with sales to the GoodFood One Restaurant customer. At the end of every month, you need to monitor the status of sales orders for the customer by using the Sales Order Details by Customer (SO611000) report. You would like to specify the parameters for the report once and save the template of the report, so that you can quickly reuse the report parameters. In February you are going on vacation, and you would like to share the report template with your colleague who will be working with the customer during your absence.

To create a template for the report, do the following:

  1. On the main menu, click Sales Orders. The Sales Orders workspace opens.
  2. In the Reports category of the workspace, click Sales Order Details by Customer. The report form opens.
  3. On the Report Parameters tab, do the following:
    1. In the Start Date box, make sure that the 1/1/2023 value is selected.
    2. In the End Date box, make sure that the 1/30/2023 value is selected.
    3. In the Customer ID box, select GOODFOOD.
  4. On the report form toolbar, click Save Template.
  5. In the Enter Template Name dialog box, which opens, do the following:
    1. Type GOODFOOD.
    2. Click OK. The system closes the dialog box and saves the template. In the Template box of the Template area, you can see the name of the template: GOODFOOD.
  6. Run the report to notice all the parameters that you have selected for the template.

Step 4: Defining the Template as Your Default

Suppose that you would like to make the GOODFOOD template, which you created in the previous step, your default template for the Sales Order Details by Customer (SO611000) report. This means that each time you open the report, the report parameters of the template are automatically selected.

To make GOODFOOD your default template for the report, do the following:

  1. While you are still viewing the generated Sales Order Details by Customer report, click the Parameters button on the report form toolbar to switch to the report form.
  2. In the Template area, select the Default check box.
  3. On the report form toolbar, click Save Template.
  4. In the Enter Template Name dialog box, which opens, click OK to save your changes in the template. Each time you open the Sales Order Details by Customer report form, your report parameters for the GOODFOOD template will be selected by default.

Step 5: Configuring an Ad Hoc Filter for the Report

Suppose that you need to know the statuses of the sales orders that contain apples and oranges sold to the GoodFood One Restaurant customer. The Sales Order Details by Customer (SO611000) report provides this information, but it can take you quite long to scan for specific details. By using an ad hoc filter, you can select the needed details.

To configure an ad hoc filter for a report, do the following:

  1. While you are still viewing the Sales Order Details by Customer (SO611000) report form, make sure that the GOODFOOD report template is selected.
  2. On the Additional Sort and Filters tab, in the Additional Filtering Conditions table, do the following:
    1. Click Add Row to add a row to the table.
    2. In the Property column of the added row, select Sales Order Line.Inventory ID.
    3. In the Condition column, select Equals.
    4. In the Value column, select APPLES.
    5. In the Operator column, select Or.
    6. Click Add Row to add another row to the table.
    7. In the Property column of the added row, select Sales Order Line.Inventory ID.
    8. In the Condition column, select Equals.
    9. In the Value column, select ORANGES.
  3. On the report form toolbar, click Run Report. The report, which displays the statuses of the sales orders that contain apples and oranges sold to the GoodFood One Restaurant, is generated and displayed in the working area.
  4. Optional: Save the report template that has the settings of your ad hoc filter as follows:
    1. Click Parameters to switch to the report form.
    2. On the report form toolbar, click Save Template.
    3. In the Enter Template Name dialog box, which opens, type GOODFOOD: apples & oranges, and click OK to save the template.

    In the Template box, you can select the GOODFOOD: apples & oranges report template.

Step 6: Sharing the Report Template

Suppose that in February, you are going on vacation and you would like to share the GOODFOOD report template (which you created in Step 3) with your colleague who will be working with the customer during your absence.

To define the template of the report so that it can be shared with other users, do the following:

  1. While you are still viewing the Sales Order Details by Customer (SO611000) report form, in the Template area, clear the Default check box.

    You cannot share a default template. If you select the Shared check box, the Default check box becomes cleared and unavailable for editing.

  2. Select the Shared check box.
  3. On the report form toolbar, click Save Template.
  4. In the Enter Template Name dialog box, which opens, click OK to save your changes to the template. Now other users can select your template in the Template box of the Sales Order Details by Customer report form.

Step 7: Printing a Report to a PDF File

Suppose that you need to print a pick list for a warehouse employee who is shipping an order to the HM’s Bakery & Cafe customer. The Pick List (SO644000) report is designed to generate an easy-to-comprehend version of any pick list.

To print the report to a PDF file, do the following:

  1. On the main menu, click Sales Orders. The Sales Orders workspace opens.
  2. In the Printed Forms category of the workspace, click Pick List. The report form opens.
  3. In the Shipment Nbr. box of the Report Parameters tab, select the shipment number 000028.
  4. On the report form toolbar, click Run Report. The form of the report is displayed.
  5. On the report toolbar, click Print.
  6. In the dialog box, which opens, do the following:
    1. In the Printer box, select the option related to printing the report as a PDF file, and click Print.
    2. In the dialog box that opens, select the destination folder, and click Save to save the PDF file to your computer.
    Tip: If a printer is configured in your MYOB Advanced system, you could instead select a printer from the list and print the document.

Step 8: Exporting a Report to Excel

Suppose that you need to run the Shipment Register (SO612500) report and then export the report to Excel for a warehouse employee who will use the exported report data as a template to prepare a register for the warehouse.

To export a report to Excel, do the following:

  1. On the main menu, click Sales Orders. The Sales Orders workspace opens.
  2. Click the Show All button to switch to the full view of the workspace.
  3. In the Reports category of the workspace, select Shipment Register. The report form opens.
  4. In the Start Date box of the Report Parameters tab, make sure that the 1/1/2023 value is selected.
  5. In the End Date box, make sure that the 1/30/2023 value is selected.
  6. On the report form toolbar, click Run Report. The report is displayed.
  7. On the report toolbar, click Export > Excel. The report is exported in Excel and downloaded to your computer.