Favorites: Process Activity
The following activity will help you manage favorites in MYOB Acumatica.
Video Tutorial
This video shows you the common process but may contain less detail than the activity has. If you want to repeat the activity on your own or you are preparing to take the certification exam, we recommend that you follow the instructions in the steps of the activity.
Suppose that you are David Chubb, a new sales manager of the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company, and you want to use favorites to make frequently used items easy to access. You need to have at hand the predefined dashboard that has real-time information related to customer with the highest overdue balances. You also need to quickly access the reports that contain customer-related information.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will do the following:
- Add links to workspace items to your favorites
- Remove a link to the workspace item from your favorites
System Preparation
Before you start managing favorites in MYOB Acumatica, make sure that the following tasks have been performed:
- You have installed an MYOB Acumatica instance with the U100 dataset, or a system administrator has performed this task for you.
- You have signed in to MYOB Acumatica with the following credentials:
- Username: chubb
- Password: 123
For details, see MYOB Acumatica Access: Process Activity.
Step 1: Adding Items to Your Favorites
Suppose that you need to add to your favorites the Controller dashboard and the Customer Summary (AR650500) and Customer History Summary (AR652100) reports.
To add links to the workspace items to your favorites, do the following:
- On the main menu, click the More Items menu item. The system displays over the working area a menu with tiles for each of the workspaces in the system, grouped by their broader functional areas.
- Point
at the Dashboards tile (under
Other) and
click the Pin (
) button. The Dashboards menu item is added (that is, pinned) to the main menu.
- On the main menu, click Dashboards.
- In the Dashboards workspace, which opens, point at the link to the Controller workspace item and then click the star icon left of the link. Notice that the star icon is highlighted. You have added the Controller dashboard to your favorites.
- On the main menu, click Favorites to open the Favorites workspace. Notice that the Controller link is displayed in the Dashboards category.
- Click Controller.
- In the
Controller dashboard, which opens,
view the
Remove from Favorites
) icon right of the title of the dashboard.
- Search for the Customer Summary (AR650500) report. To do this, in the Search box, type customer summary. On the Menu Items tab of the Search form, which opens, in the Reports category, click Customer Summary.
- On the title bar of the Customer Summary report form, which opens, point at the report title, and click the Add to Favorites icon right of the title. You have added this report to your favorites.
- Search for the Customer History Summary (AR652100) report. To do this, in the Search box, type customer history summary. On the Menu Items tab of the Search form, which opens, in the Reports category, point at the Customer History Summary report and click the star icon left of the link. You have added this report to your favorites.
- Open
the Favorites workspace. Notice that the following is
displayed in the workspace:
- The link to the Controller dashboard, listed in the Dashboards category
- The link to the Customer Summary (AR650500) report, listed in the Receivables category
- The link to the Customer History Summary (AR652100) report, listed in the Receivables category
Step 2: Removing an Item from Your Favorites
Suppose that you no longer need in your favorites the link to the predefined dashboard, which you added to your favorites in the previous step.
To remove the link to the dashboard from your favorites, do the following:
- While you are still viewing the Favorites workspace, point at the link to the Controller dashboard and click the star icon left of the link. Notice that the category remains, and the link is crossed out.
- Close the Favorites workspace.
- Reopen the Favorites workspace. Notice that neither the Dashboards category nor the link to the Controller dashboard is displayed.
Step 3: Adding Records to Your Favorites in the Recently Viewed Workspace
Suppose that you are going to discuss the sale of fruit to the Delicious Crispy bakery with Debbie Euston, assistant bakery manager. You need to have the Debbie Euston contact at hand.
To add the Debbie Euston contact record to the Favorites list in the Recently Viewed workspace, do the following:
- In the Search box, type contacts. The Search form opens.
- On the Menu Items tab, in the Profiles category, click Contacts. The Contacts (CR3020PL) list of records opens.
- In the Contact column, click the Debbie Euston link to open the contact on the Contacts (CR302000) form.
- In the top pane of the MYOB Acumatica screen, click the Recently Viewed button right of the Search box. The Recently Viewed workspace opens. Notice that the system has added a link to the Debbie Euston contact at the top of the list of records, because this is the last record that you have opened.
- Point at the link to the Debbie Euston contact,
click the star icon left of the link. Notice that the star icon is
You have added the Debbie Euston contact to your favorite records.
- Close the Recently Viewed workspace.
- Reopen the Recently Viewed workspace. Notice that the link to the Debbie Euston contact is listed in Favorite Records.
Step 4: Removing a Record from Your Favorites in the Recently Viewed Workspace
Suppose that you are no longer working with the Delicious Crispy bakery and you do not need the Debbie Euston contact among your favorite records anymore.
To remove the Debbie Euston contact record from the Favorite Records list in the Recently Viewed workspace, do the following:
- While you are still viewing the Recently Viewed workspace, in the Favorite Records list, click the highlighted star icon left of the Debbie Euston link.
- Close the Recently Viewed workspace.
- Reopen the Recently Viewed workspace. Notice that the link to the Debbie Euston contact is no longer listed in Favorite Records.