Resource Equipment

In Acumatica ERP, you can enter and keep information about resource equipment. Resource equipment is a physical resource of your company that staff members use to perform services. You specify the appropriate equipment type for each resource equipment to ensure that the right equipment will later be selected to perform these services.

In this topic, you will read about how resource equipment is added to the system, and how this equipment is assigned to appointments.

Adding Resource Equipment

You add each specific entity of resource equipment (for example, a specific screwdriver or drill) that will be used to perform services on the Equipment (FS205000) form. In the Summary area of the form, you define this item as a resource equipment by selecting the Resource Equipment check box, select the equipment type, and specify that your company owns the equipment by selecting the Company option button (under Owner).

To maintain the relevant details of each equipment entity you add to the system, you can record additional information, such as general, manufacturing, and purchase information. For details on manufacturing information, see Manufacturers.

Also Acumatica ERP includes the Equipment (EP208000) form, which is generally used to specify equipment. For any equipment that has been added to your system by using this form, you can make it available for use with the field services functionality by clicking Extend to SM Equipment on the form toolbar and then specifying the necessary information on the Equipment (FS205000) form in the Equipment Management functional area, which the system brings up.

You can view information about equipment in the system on multiple forms. For details, see Equipment Inquiries.

Specification of Attributes

To give users the ability to specify additional information for a piece of equipment so that your company can track this information, attributes have to be defined for the related equipment type on the Equipment Types (FS200800) form.

When you create a piece of equipment on the Equipment (FS300100) form and select its equipment type, the system populates the Attributes tab with the attributes (and any default values) defined for the equipment type on the Equipment Types form. You can specify or modify equipment attribute values in the Values column. If the Required check box is selected for an attribute, the value has to be specified before you save the new equipment you are creating.

Also on the Attributes tab of the Equipment (FS300100) form are the Image set of elements, which you can use to attach an image of the piece of equipment.

Assigning Resource Equipment to Appointments

You can assign the necessary resource equipment to the appointments of a service order on the Service Orders (FS300100) form or to a particular appointment on the Appointments (FS300200) form. You use the Resource Equipment tab of either form to assign the resource equipment. On this tab, for each equipment entity you want to add, you add a row and select the necessary equipment entity from the list in the Equipment ID column.