Product Availability: Calculation of Available Quantities

When you set up the synchronization of product availability, you select the rules of calculating the available quantities for items whose availability should be tracked, which includes selecting the type of quantity to export and the warehouses to be included in the availability calculation.

Selection of the Availability Mode

During the configuration of MYOB Acumatica Retail Connectors, you can specify which item quantity in MYOB Acumatica you want to be synchronized with the Shopify store for the items whose quantities are tracked. To do so, you select one of the following options in the Availability Mode box on the Inventory Settings tab of the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form:

  • On Hand: The system synchronizes the on-hand quantity stored at particular warehouses or warehouse locations.
  • Available for Shipping: The system synchronizes the quantity available for shipping.
  • Available: The system synchronizes the available quantity. You can configure the way the available quantity is calculated by using an availability calculation rule.

For more information, see Availability Calculation Rules: General Information.

Selection of the Warehouse Mode

You also select whether quantity calculations should include available quantities from all warehouses or from only the specified warehouses or warehouse locations. To do so, in the Warehouse Mode box on the Inventory Settings tab of the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form, you select one of the following options:

  • All Warehouses: To calculate the available quantity of the item in the Shopify store based on the quantity of the item in all warehouses. If All Warehouses warehouse mode is selected and multiple locations exist in the Shopify store, the available quantities of items are synchronized with the first location created in the Shopify store.
  • Specific Warehouses: To calculate the available quantity of the item based on the quantity in the selected warehouses and warehouse locations.

    When you select this option, the Warehouse Mapping for Inventory Export table appears below the Warehouse Mode box. In this table, you specify a list of warehouses and warehouse locations to be used the calculation of item availability. If multiple warehouse locations have been created in the Shopify store, you can specify which Shopify location should be updated with the availability data from a particular warehouse or warehouse location from MYOB Acumatica.

    The Warehouse Mapping for Inventory Export table contains the following columns:

    • Warehouse (required): A warehouse from MYOB Acumatica that holds inventory items whose availability data should be exported to the Shopify store. You can select a warehouse from the list of all active warehouses that have been created on the Warehouses (IN204000) form.
    • Location ID (optional): A warehouse location from MYOB Acumatica that contains inventory items whose availability data should be exported to the Shopify store. You can select a warehouse location from the list, which contains the active locations that have been created on the Warehouses form for the warehouse selected in the Warehouse column of the row. If no location is selected, the system exports the availability data for items stored in all locations of the selected warehouse.
    • Shopify Location (required): The Shopify warehouse location to which the system will export availability data for inventory items from MYOB Acumatica. You select a location from the list, which contains all the warehouse locations created in the Shopify store.

    If Specific Warehouses warehouse mode is selected and no values are specified in the Warehouse Mapping for Inventory Export table, the system will behave as it would if the All Warehouses mode was selected.

Multiple warehouses and warehouse locations require that the following features be enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form:
  • The Multiple Warehouses feature, which provides the functionality of working with multiple warehouses (including virtual warehouses)
  • The Multiple Warehouse Locations feature, which supports multiple locations for each warehouse

If you have synchronized the Product Availability entity, when you modify any of the settings described in this section, the system resets the availability synchronization status for all synchronized items in the Shopify store, and you need to perform the full synchronization of the Product Availability entity again.

Adjustment of Available Quantities

You can manually adjust the available quantity calculated for an item by specifying a value in the Availability Adjustment box on the eCommerce tab of the Stock Items (IN202500) form.

You specify the adjustment quantity in the sales UOM of the item. Acceptable values include whole numbers and decimal numbers. To increase the available quantity, you should use a positive value not preceded by any sign. To decrease the available quantity, precede the value with the minus sign. Percentage values (for example, 10%) are not accepted.