Configuring Approval Maps for Parallel Approvals

For a parallel approval process, you need to configure multiple approval maps on the Assignment and Approval Maps (EP205500) form. Each approval map can contain its own conditions that must be met for Accounts Payable documents to be assigned to the specified approvers.

Workflow of Parallel Approvals

Parallel approval means approval of a document by multiple employees in any order or even simultaneously. For example, in small companies, each purchase may need to be approved by an accountant and the CFO independently. In this case, you need to create two separate approval maps on the Assignment and Approval Maps form. In one map, you define the accountant as an approver; in another map, you define the CFO as an approver. You can specify no conditions, so that all AP documents will be independently assigned to the accountant and the CFO for approval; or you can specify the conditions to be used by the system for assigning the appropriate approvers to documents. These conditions can use such document properties as amount, vendor, or branch.

For details on configuring the approval maps for parallel approvals, see To Create Approval Maps for Parallel Approvals.