Graph Naming

When you are creating a business logic controller (graph), the graph name should be specified according to the rules described in the following sections.

Graph Name Structure and Requirements

The graph name should have the following structure: <Prefix><ShortDescription><Suffix>. Graph prefixes and suffixes are described in greater detail in the sections below.

A graph name should meet the following requirements:

  • The length of a graph name, including all namespaces, should not exceed 255 symbols.
  • A graph name can contain only English letters.

Graph Prefixes

A graph name should begin with a prefix that describes the functional area of the system in which the screen fits logically.

The prefixes to be used for naming graphs are listed in the table below. The third column includes any applicable usage notes.

Prefixes that are labeled as having the System features usage are restricted based on whether the corresponding feature is (or features are) enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form for the instance.

Prefixes that are labeled as having the Internal usage are reserved for internal use only and should not be used for custom forms.

For a custom functional area, customizers can introduce their own prefix which should not coincide with prefixes listed below.

Table 1. System PrefixesThe standard prefixes whose use is restricted by the corresponding functional area of MYOB Acumatica are listed in the following table.
Functional Area Prefix Usage
Financials FN, AP, AR, EP, CA, CM, TX, CT, DR, FA System feature
Deferred revenue DR System feature
Fixed assets FA System feature
Distribution IN, PO, SO, RQ System feature
CRM CR, OU System feature
Project PM System feature
Field service FS System feature
Equipment management EQ System feature
Route management RT System feature
Contract management CT System feature
Payroll PR System feature
Business-to-business ordering BB System feature
Portal financials FP System feature
Setup wizard (obsolete) WS
Accounts payable AP
Accounts receivable AR
Employee management EP Used for following areas:
  • Employees
  • Time cards and activities, expense receipts
  • Expense claims, tasks, events, approvals
Configuration CS
General ledger GL
Currency management CM
Cash management CA
Sales orders SO
Purchase orders PO
Requisitions RQ
Taxes TX
Field services FS
System management SM
Customer portal SP
Contracts CT
Outlook integration OU
Project PM
Construction PJ, SC
Procore integration PI, PC
Salesforce integration SF
Hubspot integration HS
Manufacturing AM
Generic inquiries GI
Dashboards DB
Automation AU
Commerce BC
Emails CO
ARM reports RM
Search SE
Wiki WI
Education UN Internal
Provisioning PS Internal
ISV IS Internal
Data consistency monitor DC Internal

Graph Suffixes

You should use the following suffixes in the names of the graphs, depending on the types of the forms they are used for:

  • Maint: You use this suffix for the graphs for maintenance forms, which are helper forms used for the input of data on the data entry and processing forms, and for the graphs for the setup forms where administrative users specify the configuration settings for the application. For example, CountryMaint could be the name of the graph for the Countries maintenance form, which provides the ability to edit the list of countries.
  • Entry: You use this suffix for the graphs for data entry forms, which are used for the input of business documents. For example, SalesOrdersEntry could be the name of the graph for the Sales Order data entry form, which provides the basic functionality for entering and working with sales orders.
  • Inq: You use this suffix for the graphs for inquiry forms, which display a list of data records selected by the specified filter. For example, SalesOrderInq could be the name of the graph for the inquiry form named Sales Order Inquiry, which provides the list of sales order documents for the specified customer.
  • Process: You use this suffix for the graphs for processing forms, which provide mass processing operations. For example, SalesOrderProcess could be the name of the graph for the Approve Sales Orders processing form, which provides mass approval of sales orders.


The following examples illustrate the use of these graph naming conventions:

  • For the graph name POOrderEntry: PO indicates purchase orders, Order is a short description, and Entry indicates the data entry form type.
  • For the graph name CSAttributeMaint: CS indicates configuration, Attribute is a short description, and Maint indicates the maintenance form type.