To Enable Callback for a Control

If callback is enabled for an input control in a container on an ASPX page, the container collects all the modified data and creates a callback to pass the data to the datasource control immediately when focus is lost for the control on the form. When this callback occurs, the datasource control posts the modified data to the application server. When it receives the callback, the server raises events, which you handle to process the modified data. For more details about callbacks, see Configuration of Callbacks and Use of the CommitChanges Property of Boxes.

To Enable Callback for an Input Control

To enable callback for an input control in the form or tab item container, set the CommitChanges property to True for the control, as the following example shows.

<px:PXFormView ID="form" ...>
        <px:PXDropDown ID="Status" ... CommitChanges="true">

To Enable Callback for a Grid Column

Callback in a grid is enabled separately for columns and input controls. When a user works directly in the grid (that is, in grid view mode of the grid), the callback is triggered on a column. To enable callback for a grid column, set the CommitChanges property to True for the column.

<px:PXGrid ID="grid" ...>
        <px:PXGridLevel ...>
                <px:PXGridColumn DataField="ProductID" ... CommitChanges="true">

To Enable Callback for a Control in Form View Mode of the Grid

To enable callback for an input control if the callback is triggered in form view mode of the grid, set the CommitChanges property to True for the control in the grid. For more details on grids, see Configuration of Grids.

<px:PXGrid ID="grid" ...>
        <px:PXGridLevel ...>
                <px:PXSelector ID="ProductID" ... CommitChanges="true">