Configuration of Callbacks

Events are generated on the server side of your application when the client side requests data or posts changes made by a user. When the client posts data to the server, the client is initiating a callback to the server. Callbacks are initiated in the following cases:

  • Focus is lost for an input control with the CommitChanges property set to True.
  • Focus is lost for a grid column with the CommitChanges property set to True.
  • A user finishes editing a row in a grid by proceeding to the next row or by pressing Ctrl+Enter on the keyboard.
  • A user clicks a button with the CommitChanges property set to True, which is the default value.

By default, an MYOB Acumatica Framework form executes a callback when a user clicks one of the buttons on the form toolbar and when a user changes the value in a key field. You can also enable a callback for any input control by setting the CommitChanges property to True in the ASPX page. By default, the callback of an input control is off, so when a user changes a value in some field and shifts the focus away from it, the browser does not post anything to the server; it does, however, keep the change in memory.

When a callback is triggered, the client posts all the data from the whole form that has been modified since the last callback.

For information on how to configure the callback on a control, see To Enable Callback for a Control. For details on how to configure the callback for a button, see Configuration of Actions.