Generic Graph Extensions Declared in MYOB Acumatica

The source code of MYOB Acumatica includes the definitions of the generic graph extensions, which are described in detail in the following sections. These graph extensions are declared in the PX.Objects.Extensions namespace. You can use these generic graph extensions if you want to include the implemented functionality in the forms of your application. For details on how to include this functionality in your application, see To Insert Reusable Business Logic That Has Already Been Declared.

Multicurrency Extension

If you need to work with multiple currencies on a form, you can insert an implementation of the MultiCurrencyGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> abstract class in the graph that provides business logic for the form. For more information on the use of multiple currencies in the system, see Currency Management in the Financial Management Guide.

The MultiCurrencyGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> class works with the following mapped cache extensions:
  • Document: Represents a document that supports multicurrency
  • CurySource: Contains the information on the currency source

For more information on these classes, see the API Reference.

Sales Price Extension

If you need to work with multiple price lists on a form, you can insert an implementation of the SalesPriceGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> abstract class in the graph that provides business logic for the form. For more information on sales prices, see Reviewing Sales Prices in the Prices and Discounts Guide.

The SalesPriceGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> class works with the following mapped cache extensions:
  • Document: Represents a document that supports multiple price lists
  • Detail: Represents a detail line of the document
  • PriceClassSource: Provides information about the source of the price class
For more information on these classes, see the API Reference.

Discount Extension

If you need to work with discounts on a form, you can insert an implementation of the DiscountGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> abstract class in the graph that provides business logic for the form. For more information on discounts, see Configuring and Applying Customer Discounts in the Prices and Discounts Guide.

The DiscountGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> class works with the following mapped cache extensions:
  • Document: Represents a document that supports discounts
  • Detail: Represents a detail line of the document
  • Discount: Provides information about the discount

For details on these classes, see the API Reference.

Sales Tax Extension

If you need to apply sales taxes to amounts of a form, you can insert an implementation of the TaxGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> abstract class in the graph that provides business logic for the form. For more information on taxes in the system, see Taxes in the Financial Management Guide.

The TaxGraph<TGraph, TPrimary> class works with the following mapped cache extensions:
  • Document: Represents a document that supports sales taxes.
  • Detail: Represents a detail line of the document.
  • TaxTotal: Represents the tax total amount
  • TaxDetail: Represents a tax detail line

For detailed descriptions of the classes, see the API Reference.