Searching in MYOB Advanced

Searching in MYOB Advanced gives you the ability to quickly open a form or a record on form, or find a help topic. This topic contains information on performing searches in MYOB Advanced.

Semantic Search

In MYOB Advanced, an intelligent search is implemented. The system performs a flexible search, considering all possible forms of the keyword or phrase that you have entered, and then lists the search results from the most relevant to the least relevant. You can also search for exact matches of the keyword or phrase by enclosing it in quotation marks. For example, searching for “Western Star Trucks” will return only the customer with this exact name.

For more information on turning on semantic search, see Enabling Semantic Search for Microsoft SQL Server in the MYOB Advanced Installation Guide.

The Start of a Search

You start a search by typing a word, a part of a word, or a phrase into the Search box in the navigation pane. The system generates a list with suggestions, as shown in the following screenshot. In this list, you can restrict areas where the system will search for the search string and select a form whose name contains the search string.
Figure 1. Search box and a Search Suggestions list

  1. Search box
  2. Search suggestions
  3. Corresponding forms
For detailed procedure, see To Start a Search.

Search Results and User Access Rights

The system narrows the search results based on the access rights of the user who performs the search. If you don't have permissive access rights to particular data (such as vendor accounts), these objects will not appear in the search results, even though they match the search criteria. Your access rights to file attachments are determined by your rights to the entities to which the files are attached.

Search Tips

As you embark on a search in MYOB Advanced, keep the following points in mind:

  • The system searches all possible forms of the text you typed. If you want to search for an exact match of the word or phrase, enclose it in quotation marks.
  • Because the search functionality is context-related in MYOB Advanced, by default, the search is performed on the entities of the module from which you are starting the search. However, you can select another available search scope in the Search Suggestions list.