To Specify the Tenant Available for Customer Portal Users

If you use a multitenant MYOB Advanced configuration, after you deploy a Customer Portal instance, you must specify the tenant that will be available for the Customer Portal users.

To Configure the Tenants Available for Customer Portal Users

  1. Open the web.config file for the Customer Portal instance. This file is usually located in %Program Files%\MYOB Advanced\<instance name>, where <instance name> is the name of the Customer Portal instance site.
  2. In the file, find the providers section, which has the following settings:
    <add name="PXSqlDatabaseProvider" ... companyID="" .../>
  3. Change the following key value:


    where x is the ID of the tenant you want to make available to the Customer Portal users.

  4. Save the web.config file; this automatically restarts the website.