Service Order Types: Quick Processing Settings

In MYOB Advanced, you can simplify the standard multistep processing of service orders and appointments by configuring quick processing for a particular service order type. With just one click, a user can performing such actions on the service orders and appointments of this type as the following: closing a service document, preparing and releasing billing documents for a service document, and emailing the billing documents to the customer.

Note: Quick processing can be configured for service order types that are defined to initially generate sales orders or SO invoices from service orders or appointments—that is, the Sales Orders or SO Invoice option is selected in the Generated Billing Documents box of the General tab (Billing Settings section) of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form.

Configuration of Quick Processing for a Service Order Type

For quick processing to be used for service orders and appointments of a particular service order type, you must allow quick processing for this service order type and specify the actions to be performed during quick processing. To allow quick processing for the service order type, you select the Allow Quick Process check box on the General tab ( Billing Settings section) of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form. This causes the Quick Processing tab to appear on the form. On this tab, you specify the settings that determine how the system should process the service orders and appointments of this type.

For each particular service order or appointment of the type being processed on the Service Orders (FS300100) or Appointments (FS300200) form, the user can change the list of actions to be performed before initiating processing.