Licenses: General Information

A license is a document proving that a particular person has permission to perform work of a certain kind or has knowledge in a particular area. To track licenses in the system, you first create license types, which are categories of licenses that are used for grouping licenses and associating a group of licenses with a service. You then enter all licenses (and assign license types to them when you enter them) and specify the staff members or branches of your company (or both) to which each license belongs. You can then easily select the right staff member to perform a service for which a license of a particular type is needed.

In this topic, you will read about how license types and licenses are created in the system and assigned to staff members.

Learning Objectives

In this chapter, you will learn how to do the following:

  • Create a license type
  • Assign a license type to a service
  • Add a license
  • Assign license information to an employee

Applicable Scenarios

You create licenses in MYOB Acumatica when your company provides services that require specific skills that are proven by licenses or certificates. With licenses tracked in the system, you can assign staff members with the needed licenses to appointments.

License Application

Before you create the license types, you should gather information about which license types are required for the services that your company is going to perform. Once you have created the license types, you specify a license type for each license of a staff member that you enter into the system. One license is owned by only one staff member, although any staff member can have multiple licenses. You can then assign the needed license types to services.

With this configuration performed, when you select a staff member to perform a particular service of a service order or appointment by using the Add Staff dialog box on the Service Orders (FS300100) or Appointments (FS300200) form, the system automatically suggests to you staff members that have licenses of the type that is required to provide the service. When you schedule appointments by using calendar boards, you can filter the staff members by the types of the licenses that are needed for services.

When you save a newly created license, the system assigns it a reference number based on the numbering sequence specified for licenses in the License Numbering Sequence box on the Service Management Preferences (FS100100) form.

License Validation

By assigning license types to services, you optimize the staff selection process. For an appointment, the system suggests only those staff members who own the required license. You can set up validation so that the system will determine whether the license type specified for a service matches the assigned employee's licenses.

For this validation, in the Licenses box of the General tab (Appointment Validation Settings section) of the Service Management Preferences (FS100100) form, you can select one of the following options:
  • Do Not Validate (default): The system does not perform license validation.
  • Warn: If the validation is not passed, the system displays a warning message notifying you that the staff member does not have the required active licenses.
  • Prevent: If the validation is not passed, the system prevents the assignment of the staff member who does not have the required active license or licenses.