Step 3: Exploring and Debugging the Code

Now that you have prepared the PhoneRepairShop_Code project for debugging in Visual Studio, you can continue exploring the code of the Release action to find the event that you should use in the custom workflow. Do the following:

  1. In the code of the Release method, find the call of the ARDocumentRelease.ReleaseDoc method.
    The ReleaseDoc static method of the ARDocumentRelease static class is used to process the list of records in an invoice which are displayed on the Details tab of the form.
    You may notice that the ReleaseDoc operation starts within the StartOperation static method of the PXLongOperation static class to be executed in a background thread.
  2. Go to the definition of the ARDocumentRelease.ReleaseDoc method, which is in the ARDocumentRelease.cs file.

    Notice that for the created instance, the ReleaseDoc method invokes the ARReleaseProcess.ReleaseDocProc static method, which is applied for each document in the list of the documents to be released.

  3. Go to the definition of the ARReleaseProcess.ReleaseDocProc method.

    Notice that the ARReleaseProcess.ReleaseDocProc method receives the document as a record of the ARRegister data access class. During the document processing, the method creates a working copy of the record, specifies the fields of the record in the copy, and then restores the record in the cache from the completely ready copy. Inside the method, you can find the call to the ProcessPayment method.

  4. Go to the definition of the ARReleaseProcess.ProcessPayment method, and explore its code. The method processes the release of a payment.

    Continue exploring the methods that are called inside the ARReleaseProcess.ProcessPayments method. You can find the ARReleaseProcess.CloseInvoiceAndClearBalances method. The call hierarchy is shown in the following screenshot.

    Figure 1. The call hierarchy for the CloseInvoiceAndClearBalances method

    Notice the following line in the code of the CloseInvoiceAndClearBalances method.

     ARInvoice.Events.Select(ev => ev.CloseDocument));

    If you go to the definition of the RaiseInvoiceEvent method, you can find that the CloseDocument event is fired in this method, as shown in the following line of the method.

    invEvent.FireOn(this, (ARInvoice)doc);
  5. To make sure that CloseDocument is the event that changes the invoice status to Closed, do the following:
    1. Navigate to the ARInvoiceEntry_Workflow.cs file, which contains the definition of the workflow for the Invoices (SO303000) form.
    2. In the WithHandlers method, locate the handler for the CloseDocument event. The handler's name is OnCloseDocument.
    3. Locate the transition from the Open state to the Closed state. Notice that the transition is triggered by the OnCloseDocument event handler, as shown in the following screenshot.
      Figure 2. Transitions from the Open state

  6. To make sure that the firing of the CloseDocument event in the ARReleaseProcess.CloseInvoiceAndClearBalances method indeed happens when an invoice is fully paid, do the following:
    1. Add a breakpoint to the line that fires the OnCloseDocument event of the ARReleaseProcess.CloseInvoiceAndClearBalances method.
    2. Prepare a payment for debugging by doing the following:
      1. Open the invoice you created in Workflow Actions: To Configure the Conditional Appearance of the Action by searching for its number on the Invoices form.
      2. On the form toolbar of the Invoices form, click Remove Hold.

        The invoice is assigned the Balanced status.

      3. On the form toolbar, click Release. The invoice is released.
      4. On the More menu, click Pay.

        The Payments and Applications (AR302000) form opens.

    3. On the form toolbar of the Payments and Applications form, click Remove Hold, and then click Release.
    4. In Visual Studio, notice that a breakpoint in the ARReleaseProcess.CloseInvoiceAndClearBalances method was hit when an invoice was closed.
    5. Stop debugging.