Workflow Customization: To Add an Action to a Workflow

This activity will walk you through the process of adding an action to an existing workflow.


To quickly continue working on a repair work order after an invoice has been prepaid, a user needs to be able to invoke a command that opens the corresponding repair work order from the Invoices (SO303000) form. You will customize the workflow on the Invoices form to add the View Repair Work Order command and its underlying action, which opens the repair work order. The View Repair Work Order command should be displayed under a new category called Repair Orders.

Process Overview

To define a new action, in your extension library, you will first define the new action in a graph extension, and then you will create an extension for the updated workflow. In this extension, you will add a new action category and the new action to the screen configuration.

System Preparation

In an instance with the T100 dataset, make sure that you have done the following: