Test Method: General Information

In a test class, which is intended for testing a graph or graph extension, you will create test methods, each of which will test a particular functionality. Through the xUnit.net library, which you will use for creating unit tests in the activities of this guide, you can create test methods without parameters and test methods with parameters. In addition to the presence or absence of parameters, these kinds of methods differ in the attributes they have and the number of unit tests they produce.

Learning Objectives

In this chapter, you will learn how to do the following:

  • Create test methods without parameters
  • Create an instance of the tested graph
  • Create and update objects in the graph cache
  • Verify that the desired conditions are met for the values present in the method
  • Run and debug test methods
  • Create test methods with parameters
  • Set values for the test parameters
  • Create unit tests for graph extensions

Applicable Scenarios

You create a test method if you want to test some business logic of a graph or graph extension.

Development of a Test

A unit test is an automated test written by a software developer that tests some independent unit of code. A unit test usually launches some functionality of a software component and then compares the resulting values with the expected values. As you develop unit tests, the best practice is to create them according to the standard AAA pattern:
  1. Arrange: You prepare the test's context and assign some values.
  2. Act: You launch the functionality of a graph or graph extension.
  3. Assert: You check the result.
With the Acumatica Unit Test Framework, you can easily create unit tests according to this process.

In the arrange part, you initialize the context until actions can be correctly executed. To use the Acumatica Unit Test Framework for this part, you may need to first enable some application features (by using the Common.UnitTestAccessProvider.EnableFeature<FeatureType> generic method) or initialize the required setup DACs (by using the Setup<PXGraph> generic method). After that, you create an instance of a graph (by using the PXGraph.CreateInstance<PXGraph> generic method) and fill its caches.

Some automated tests, typically referred to as integration tests, validate the interaction of multiple independent components. With Acumatica Unit Test Framework, you can implement these tests and check the interaction of multiple components within a graph.

Creation of Test Methods Without Parameters

You create a test method without parameters as follows:

  • You declare a method as public void.
  • You assign the [Fact] attribute to the test method. This produces one test for the test method.

Creation of Test Methods with Parameters

When you create a test method with parameters, you declare it as public void and assign it the needed parameters. You assign the [Theory] attribute to the test method and add as many [InlineData] attributes as the method has parameters. This produces one test for each set of parameters provided in the [InlineData] attribute.

In each [InlineData] attribute, you specify constants separated by commas as the values for the method parameters. The number of the constants and their types must match the number and the types of the test method parameters.

You can provide values for the method parameters in the [ClassData] or [MemberData] attributes instead of the [InlineData] attributes.

Testing of the Business Logic of a Graph

In the test method, you create an instance of the tested graph by calling the PXGraph.CreateInstance<> generic method. In this generic method, you use the graph class as the type parameter.

You create data access class (DAC) records in the graph cache (PXCache objects). You can address a specific cache of a graph either by the DAC name (<graph>.Caches[typeof(<DAC_name>)]) or by the graph view that contains the DAC objects (<graph>.<DACView>.Cache).

Creation of a Test Method for a Graph Extension

In a test method for a graph extension that contains logic for a DAC extension, you get the DAC extension object with the GetExtension<> generic method. You alter the DAC extension object as you wish, and then you update the whole DAC object along with its extension in the cache by using the PXCache.Update method. This executes the logic implemented in the graph extension so that you can verify its correctness.


You can use the methods of the Xunit.Assert class to make assertions in unit tests. For example, the Assert.True static method verifies that its argument is equal to True, and the Assert.False static method verifies that its argument is equal to False. The following table lists additional methods of the Xunit.Assert class that may be useful.

Table 1. Assert Class Methods
Method Description
False(bool condition) Verifies that condition is false. The method also throws a FalseException if condition is not false.
True(bool condition) Verifies that condition is true and throws a TrueException if condition is not true.
Contains<T>(T expected, IEnumerable<T> collection) Verifies that a collection contains a given object. The method also throws a ContainsException if the collection does not contain the object.
DoesNotContain<T>(T expected, IEnumerable<T> collection) Verifies that a collection does not contain a given object. The method also throws a DoesNotContainException if the collection contains the object.
Empty(IEnumerable collection) Verifies that collection is empty and throws an EmptyException if collection is not empty.
NotEmpty(IEnumerable collection) Verifies that collection is not empty and throws a NotEmptyException if collection is empty.
Single(IEnumerable collection) Verifies that collection contains a single element. The method also throws a SingleException if collection does not contain exactly one element.
Null(object obj) Verifies that the object reference is null and throws a NullException if the object reference is not null.
NotNull(object obj) Verifies that an object reference is not null, and throws a NotNullException if the object reference is null.
Contains(string expectedSubstring, string actualString) Verifies that actualString contains expectedSubstring by using the current culture. The method also throws a ContainsException if actualString does not contain expectedSubstring.
DoesNotContain(string expectedSubstring, string actualString) Verifies that actualString does not contain expectedSubstring by using the current culture. The method also throws a DoesNotContainException if actualString contains expectedSubstring.
StartsWith(string expectedStartString, string actualString) Verifies that actualString starts with expectedStartString by using the current culture. The method also throws a StartsWithException if actualString does not start with expectedStartString.
EndsWith(string expectedEndString, string actualString) Verifies that actualString ends with expectedEndString by using the current culture, and throws an EndsWithException if actualString does not end with expectedEndString.
Equal(string expected, string actual) Verifies that the actual and expected strings are equivalent. The method also throws an EqualException if the actual and expected strings are not equivalent.
Equal<T>(T expected, T actual) Verifies that two objects are equal by using a default comparer, and throws an EqualException if the objects are not equal.
Equal<T>(T[] expected, T[] actual) Verifies that two arrays of the unmanaged type T are equal. The method also throws an EqualException if the arrays are not equal.

You can use some assertion library instead of the Xunit.Assert class (for example, FluentAssertions).

Running and Debugging of Test Methods

Visual Studio includes the Test Explorer tool, which you can use to run a test, a test method, a group of test methods, or all available test methods. You can also debug a single test or multiple tests.