Test Method: To Debug a Test Method

The following activity will walk you through the process of debugging a test method.


Suppose that you have a test method implemented in a test class. You need to debug the test method in order to detect possible errors.

Process Overview

In Visual Studio, you will set breakpoints both in the code being tested and in the test method, launch the debugging for the test method from the Test Explorer window, and check that the values of the fields are as expected.

System Preparation

Before you begin debugging the test method, make sure that you have performed the following prerequisite activities:

  1. Test Instance for Unit Testing: To Deploy an Instance, to prepare the MYOB Acumatica instance that you will use
  2. Test Project and Test Class: To Create a Test Project, to create and configure the PhoneRepairShop_Code.Tests.csproj test project
  3. Test Project and Test Class: To Create a Test Class, to create the RSSVRepairServiceMaintTests test class
  4. Test Method: To Create a Test Method Without Parameters, to create the PreliminaryCheckAndWalkInServiceFlags_AreOpposite test method

Step: Debugging a Test Method

To debug the PreliminaryCheckAndWalkInServiceFlags_AreOpposite method, do the following:
  1. In Visual Studio, open the RSSVRepairServiceMaintTests.cs file.
  2. Move the caret to the following line.
    repairService.WalkInService = false;
  3. Press F9 to set a breakpoint on the line.
  4. Open the RSSVRepairServiceMaint.cs file.
  5. In the _(Events.FieldUpdated<RSSVRepairService, RSSVRepairService.walkInService> e) method, move the caret to the following line.
    row.PreliminaryCheck = !(row.WalkInService == true);
  6. Press F9 to set a breakpoint on the line.
  7. Select the Test > Test Explorer menu command to open the Test Explorer window.
  8. Right-click the PreliminaryCheckAndWalkInServiceFlags_AreOpposite method, and select Debug. After the debugging process starts, the execution initially pauses at the breakpoint in the RSSVRepairServiceMaint.cs file. This is because the _(Events.FieldUpdated<RSSVRepairService, RSSVRepairService.walkInService> e) method gets triggered when the repairService object is first created and added to the cache using the graph.Caches[typeof(RSSVRepairService)].Insert(...) method of the graph. Continue debugging (you can press F5 for this).
  9. The execution pauses in the RSSVRepairServiceMaintTests.cs file. You can verify that the value of repairService.WalkInService is true.
  10. Step over the statement in the current line (you can use F10 for this). The value of repairService.WalkInService becomes false.
  11. Step over the statement in the current line. This updates the repairService object in the cache. During the update, the FieldUpdated event is generated for the Walk-In Service check box, and the _(Events.FieldUpdated<RSSVRepairService, RSSVRepairService.walkInService> e) method of the RSSVRepairServiceMaint class is launched. The execution pauses at the breakpoint in the RSSVRepairServiceMaint.cs file, which signifies that the extension library and unit test match each other.
  12. Continue debugging (you can press F5 for this). The debugging process continues until it completes successfully.