Modern UI: How to Troubleshoot Unreflected Changes in the Modern UI

In some cases, when you have made changes to the sources of the forms that have been migrated to the Modern UI and rebuilt the sources, you may not see these changes reflected in the web browser when you open one of these forms. The following actions may help you resolve this issue:
  • Restart your MYOB Acumatica instance by doing one of the following:
    • Modify and save the Web.config file.
    • Click the Restart Application button on the Apply Updates (SM203510) form.
    • Use the Web Server (IIS).
  • Sign in to your MYOB Acumatica instance as an administrative user, and navigate to the form whose changes do not appear in the web browser. Press F12 on your keyboard to open the debugging tools in the web browser. On the Network tab, select the Disable cache check box, and refresh the page. If your changes to the form still do not appear, proceed to the next instruction.
    The actions in Instruction 2 are based on the assumption that you are using the Chrome web browser. The specific actions may differ for other web browsers.
  • On the More menu of the Apply Updates form, click the Reset Caches command. Navigate back to the form whose changes do not appear in the web browser, and refresh the page.