Fieldset: field Reference Information

The following table lists the properties of the field control, which represents any field control inside a fieldset in HTML.

Property Description
name Specifies the name of the DAC field from the view specified in the qp-fieldset tag.
<field name="OrderDate"></field>
config-allow-edit Displays a link in the field. If a user clicks this link, the form with the respective record opens and the user can review and edit the record. This is an analog of the Edit (pencil) button from the Classic UI.
<field name="CustomerID" config-allow-edit.bind="true"></field>
control-type Specifies a particular control type, such as qp-branch-selector or qp-currency. This property should be used only for specific controls.
<field name="CuryID" control-type="qp-currency" view.bind="_SOOrder_CurrencyInfo_"></field>
view Specifies the view from which the field should be selected if it differs from the view of the fieldset.
<field name="CuryID" control-type="qp-currency" view.bind="_SOOrder_CurrencyInfo_"></field>
config-type Specifies the type of the control. Possible values are the following:
  • 0: Default. A single line text box.
  • 1: Multiline text box.
  • 2: Password.
  • 3: Color picker.
<field name="OrderDesc" config-type.bind="1" config-rows.bind="3"></field>
config-rows Specifies the number of rows for a multiline text box. For details, see Form Layout: Configuring a Multiline Text Box.
<field name="OrderDesc" config-type.bind="1" config-rows.bind="3"></field>
replace-content Replaces the whole HTML code of the field (that is, both the label part and the value part) with the elements specified inside the field tag.
<field name="ShipVia" replace-content>
  <qp-field control-state.bind="CurrentDocument.ShipVia">
    <qp-button id="btnShopRates" state.bind="ShopRates" class="col-7"></qp-button>

The replace-content property does not imply that the field is unbound. Specify replace-content without unbound when you want to hide the field depending on the visibility of the field in the back end. In the following example, the Hello World text will be visible only when the First field is marked to be visible on the server.

<field name="First" replace-content>
Hello World
unbound Marks the field as unbound—that is, the field is not bound to any field in the TypeScript definition.
<field name="fakename" unbound>
    <qp-button id="btnShopRates" class="col-12" state.bind="ShopRates"></qp-button>

In the example above, the button is rendered instead of the field value. The place for the field label remains empty because no value is specified for the label.