Fieldset: qp-fieldset Reference Information

The following table lists the properties of the qp-fieldset control, which represents a fieldset in HTML.

Property Description

Required. This property specifies the identifier of the set of fields and cannot be empty (id="").

The identifier should have the following structure:

  • For columns such as those in the Summary area: fsColumnN-<SematicName>, where N is the name of the slot, for example, fsColumnA-Shipping. The semantic name should be the same for all columns of the template.
  • For all other fieldsets: fs<SemanticName>, for example, fsShipToAddress.

    If a fieldset has a title specified in the caption attribute, the semantic name should repeat the title without spaces.

<qp-fieldset caption="Options" id="fsOptions" >
view Required. Specifies the data view that provides fields for this set of fields. The data view must be defined in the TypeScript file. You must use the bind command with this attribute.
<qp-fieldset view.bind="Filter">
caption Specifies a caption of the section that is displayed in the UI.
<qp-fieldset slot="C" id="fsColumnC_Order" view.bind="Document" caption="Totals">
hide-caption Specifies whether the caption should be hidden by default.
<qp-fieldset hide-caption="true">
slot Specifies the identifier of the slot in qp-template for which the fieldset defines the fields. The slot is specified by a Latin letter. For details, see Form Layout: Predefined Templates.
<qp-fieldset slot="A">