Date and Time: Configuration

In this topic, you can learn how to adjust a date and time control.

Date and Time Control Definition

To define a date and time control, in the data access class (DAC), you need to add one of the date and time attributes (such as PXDate, PXDateAndTime, PXDBDate, PXDBTime, or PXDBDateAndTime) to the property field, as shown in the following code.

public abstract class effectiveAsOfDate : 
  PX.Data.BQL.BqlDateTime.Field<effectiveAsOfDate> { }
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Effective As Of")]
public virtual DateTime? EffectiveAsOfDate { get; set; }

In the TypeScript and HTML code, you then define a field with no additional settings specified. For details, see UI Definition in HTML and TypeScript: General Information.

Separate Boxes for Date and Time

If you need to display the date and the time in two separate boxes, you define the date and time control, as shown in the following example. You use a nested qp-field control with the timeMode property set to true in config.
<field name="ContactsExportDate_Date">
    class="col-3 no-label"

Input Mask and Display Mask

The date and time mask configuration are taken from the locale preferences and do not require any additional setup. However, if you need to specify the input mask and the display mask, you specify the value of the InputMask or DisplayMask property of the date and time attribute that is assigned to the DAC property field. You use the standard and custom date and time format strings.

The following example shows the use of the InputMask and DisplayMask properties.
public abstract class parameter1 : 
  PX.Data.BQL.BqlDateTime.Field<parameter1> { }
[PXDateAndTime(DisplayMask = "D", InputMask ="d")]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Parameter 1")]
public virtual DateTime? Parameter1 { get; set; }