To Configure Automatic Packaging
To make sales order processing more effective, you can configure the system to automatically determine the optimal set of boxes for sales orders and for shipments to be sent via carriers, including integrated carriers.
Configuration includes the following major steps.
Before You Proceed
Make sure the Automatic Packaging feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
1. Create the Weight and Volume UOMs
Start by compiling a list of the units of measure used in your system to measure weights and volumes for different stock items that are usually shipped via carriers.
Then make sure that all these UOMs are defined in the system on the Units of Measure (CS203100) form. If any UOM is not listed among the predefined UOMs, define it. For details, see Unit of Measure Creation: Implementation Activity.
2. Specify the Base UOMs to Measure Weights and Volumes
- Open the Companies form.
- In the Weight UOM box, specify the UOM to be used to measure the weights of the stock items.
- In the Volume UOM box, specify the UOM to be used to measure the volumes of the stock items.
- Click Save on the form toolbar.
3. Specify the Rule for Converting the Base UOM to the Carrier UOM for Weight
If integration with any carrier system is configured in your system, notice the UOM (in the UOM box on the Carriers (CS207700) form) selected as the unit that is equal to the UOM specified for the carrier in the Carrier Unit of Weight box. Make sure that the conversion rules from the base weight UOM to the UOM (which is equal to the carrier unit of weight) are defined on the Units of Measure (CS203100) form.
For more information on setting up integration with carriers, see To Set Up Integration with FedEx, and To Set Up Integration with UPS.
4. Define the Boxes to Be Used for Shipping
For carriers that are not integrated with your system, linear dimensions for boxes are optional, and because they can be used for information purposes only, the UOM for measurement can be selected arbitrary.
For details, see To Define a Box.
5. Create Ship via Codes and Assign Boxes
For each delivery service used by your organization, create a ship via code by using the Ship via Codes (CS207500) form, specify the freight calculation method and freight rates, and create a list of boxes on the Packages tab. The rates of different carriers or different delivery services for boxes of the same capacity may vary significantly, and some services may be available for only packages with specific weights, volumes, or dimensions. For more details, see To Create a Ship via Code.
If your system is integrated with any carrier, also create a ship via code for each service method of each carrier that your organization uses, and assign the boxes. For details, see To Create Ship via Codes for the Integrated Carrier.
6. Configure Stock Items for Automatic Packaging
- By quantity, separately from other items
- By weight, separately from other items
- By weight, not necessarily separately from other items
- By weight and volume, generally with other items
- Manually
For detailed instructions, see To Configure a Stock Item for Automatic Packaging.