System-Wide Security Auditing: Process Activity
The following activity will walk you through the process of specifying system-wide security auditing to meet your needs.
Suppose that in addition to the auditing of user activities that is configured by default, the management of your company would like to track the publication of customizations and forced user sign-outs because of the maximum number of users (as specified in the license) being exceeded.
Process Overview
To configure system-wide security auditing, you will use the settings on the Security Preferences (SM201060) form. Then you will review audit trails on the Access History (SM201045) form.
System Preparation
Before you start configuring security auditing, sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. You should sign in as a system administrator with the gibbs username and 123 password.
Step 1: Turning On the System-Wide Security Auditing for Events
To specify your preferences for the auditing of system and user events, do the following:
- Open the Security Preferences (SM201060) form.
- In the Audit section, review the check boxes that are
selected by default, which are the following:
- Login
- Login Failed
- Logout
- Screen Accessed
- Session Expired
- Send Email Success
- Send Email Error
- In the same section, select the following check boxes
the check boxes are selected, keep their state as is):
- Customization Published
- License Exceeded
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
Step 2: Viewing Audit Trails
To view audit trails for system events, do the following:
- Open the Access History (SM201045) form.
- In the Operation box of the Selection area, select Access Screen. The system displays the list of events registered for this operation.
- In the Operation box, select each of the other available
options in succession, and review the list of events.Tip: You can also filter the events by a user account by selecting a user in the Username box and by a date range by selecting dates in the From and To boxes.