Project Budget
Form ID: (PM309000)
By using this form, you can do the following:
- Add and update budget records of any type for any project
- View transactions and commitments that correspond to budget lines
- Upload to and export from Excel budget lines of any type
- Import and export budget lines of any type with the help of integration scenarios
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.
Command | Description |
View Transactions | Opens the Project Transactions (PM304000) form in a pop-up window. This form shows the list of project transactions that correspond to the selected budget line. |
View Commitment Details |
Opens the Commitments (PM306000) form in a pop-up window. This form shows the list of commitments that correspond to the selected budget line. This button appears on the form only if the Internal Cost Commitment Tracking check box is selected on the Projects Preferences (PM101000) form. |
Table Columns
Button | Description |
Project | The identifier of the project. |
Project Task | The identifier of a project task. If you select a project that has the default project task, this task is automatically populated in the column. |
Inventory ID |
The stock or non-stock inventory item that is associated with the budget line. By default, the system populates this box with the empty item code, which is initially N/A and can be changed in the Empty Item Code box on the Projects Preferences (PM301000) form. If the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the column is hidden by default but can be exposed if needed. |
Cost Code |
The cost code that is associated with the budget line. You can change the cost code value for each line. The column is shown if the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Account Group | The account group of the budget line. |
Description | The description of the budget line. |
UOM | The unit of measure of the budget line. If an inventory item is selected in the Inventory ID column, the UOM column is automatically filled in with the base unit of measure of this inventory item, which can be changed to another UOM available for the item. |
Project Currency | The project currency. All the amounts of the budget line are shown in this currency. |
Original Budgeted Quantity | The budgeted quantity of the budget line. |
Unit Rate |
The price or cost of the specified unit of the budget line. If the account group of the line has the Income type, the line is the revenue budget line. By default, the system populates this column for a new revenue budget line with the price of the selected inventory item. The system searches for an applicable price that is effective on the start date of the project among the sales prices existing in the system. For more details on how the system searches for the price, see Automatic Price Selection: Rules of Price Selection. If the account group of the line has the Expense type, the line is the cost budget line. By default, the system populates this column for a new cost budget line with the cost of the selected inventory item. For more details on how the system selects the cost, see Project Budget: Update of Budget Lines. |
Original Budgeted Amount | The budgeted amount of the budget line. For the Original Budgeted Quantity, UOM, and Unit Rate specified for the line, the amount is calculated as Original Budgeted Amount = Original Budgeted Quantity * Unit Rate. |
Revised Budgeted Quantity |
The revised budgeted quantity if the original budget quantity has been revised for the budget line after the initial budgeting. By default, this quantity is equal to the Original Budgeted Quantity value specified for the line. If the Change Order Workflow check box is cleared for the project on the Summary tab of the Projects (PM301000) form, you can change the quantity manually. If the Change Order Workflow check box is selected for the project on the Summary tab of the Projects form, the column is read-only. The quantity is calculated as Revised Budgeted Quantity = Original Budgeted Quantity + Budgeted CO Quantity. |
Revised Budgeted Amount |
The revised budgeted amount if the original budget amount has been revised for the project after the initial budgeting. By default, this amount is equal to the Original Budgeted Amount value specified for the line. If the Change Order Workflow check box is cleared for the project on the Summary tab of the Projects form, you can change the amount manually. If the Change Order Workflow check box is selected for the project on the Summary tab of the Projects form, the column is read-only. The amount is calculated as Revised Budgeted Amount = Original Budgeted Amount + Budgeted CO Amount. |
Revised Committed Quantity |
The total quantity of the commitments that are associated with the project, project task, account group, inventory item, and cost code. This column appears on the form only if the Internal Cost Commitment Tracking check box is selected on the Projects Preferences form. Note: The quantity is updated only if the UOM is specified in
the budget line and if the system can convert the UOM of the document line to the
UOM of the budget line by using the list of unit conversions defined on the Units of Measure (CS203100) form.
Revised Committed Amount |
The total amount of commitments that are associated with the project, project task, account group, inventory item, and cost code. This column appears on the form only if the Internal Cost Commitment Tracking check box is selected on the Projects Preferences form. |
Committed Received Quantity |
The total received quantity of the commitments that are associated with the project, project task, account group, inventory item, and cost code. This column appears on the form only if the Internal Cost Commitment Tracking check box is selected on the Projects Preferences form. Note: The quantity is updated only if the UOM is specified in
the budget line and if the system can convert the UOM of the document line to the
UOM of the budget line by using the list of unit conversions defined on the Units of Measure form.
Committed Invoiced Quantity |
The total invoiced quantity of the commitments that are associated with the project, project task, account group, inventory item, and cost code. This column appears on the form only if the Internal Cost Commitment Tracking check box is selected on the Projects Preferences form. Note: The quantity is updated only if the UOM is specified in
the budget line and if the system can convert the UOM of the document line to the
UOM of the budget line by using the list of unit conversions defined on the Units of Measure form.
Committed Invoiced Amount |
The total invoiced amount of the commitments that are associated with the project, project task, account group, inventory item, and cost code. This column appears on the form only if the Internal Cost Commitment Tracking check box is selected on the Projects Preferences form. |
Committed Open Quantity |
The total open quantity of the commitments that are associated with the project, project task, account group, inventory item, and cost code. This column appears on the form only if the Internal Cost Commitment Tracking check box is selected on the Projects Preferences form. Note: The quantity is updated only if the UOM is specified in
the budget line and if the system can convert the UOM of the document line to the
UOM of the budget line by using the list of unit conversions defined on the Units of Measure form.
Committed Open Amount |
The total open amount of the commitments that are associated with the project, project task, account group, inventory item, and cost code. This column appears on the form only if the Internal Cost Commitment Tracking check box is selected on the Projects Preferences form. |
Actual Quantity |
The total quantity of the lines of the released accounts receivable invoices that correspond to the budget line. Note: The quantity is updated only if the UOM is specified in
the budget line and if the system can convert the UOM of the document line to the
UOM of the budget line by using the list of unit conversions defined on the Units of Measure form.
Actual Amount | The total amount of the lines of the released accounts receivable invoices that correspond to the budget line. |
Type | The type of the account group of the budget line, which can be one of the