Budget Details
Form ID: (PMGI0010)
You use this form to view the budget details of the particular project or all projects.
Table Toolbar
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Selection Area
You can use the element in this area to select the project to be displayed.
Element | Description |
Project | The project whose budget details you want to view. If you want to see the budget details associated with all projects, leave this box blank. |
The table shown on each filter tab contains the list of projects that match the criteria of the selected filter tab. The table on each tab has the following columns.
Column | Description |
Project ID | The unique identifier of the project. You can click the link to navigate to the Projects (PM301000) form and view the details of the selected project. |
Project Description | The description of the project. |
Project Task | The identifier of the project task associated with the revenue or cost budget line. |
Account Group | The account group of the revenue or cost budget line. |
Cost Code |
The cost code associated with the revenue or cost budget line. The column is available if the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Inventory ID | The stock or non-stock inventory item that is specified in the revenue or cost budget line. |
Type | The type of the budget line, which has one of the following values: Asset, Expense, Liability, Income, or Off-Balance. |
Line Description | The description of the revenue or cost budget line. |
Original Budgeted Quantity | The original budgeted quantity of the revenue or cost budget line. |
UOM | The unit of measure of the revenue or cost budget line. |
Project Currency |
The project currency. This column is available if the Multicurrency Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Unit Rate | The price of the specified unit. |
Original Budgeted Amount | The original budgeted amount of the revenue or cost budget line. |
Revised Budgeted Quantity | The revised quantity if the budget quantity has been revised for the project after the initial budgeting. By default, this quantity is equal to the Budgeted Quantity value specified for the line. |
Revised Budgeted Amount | The revised amount if the budget amount has been revised for the project after the initial budgeting. By default, this quantity is equal to the Budgeted Quantity value specified for the line. |
Actual Quantity | The total quantity of the released project transactions that correspond to the budget line with the same project, project task, account group, inventory ID, and cost code (if applicable). |
Actual Amount | The total amount of the released project transactions that correspond to the budget line with the same project, project task, account group, inventory ID, and cost code (if applicable). |
Revised Committed Amount | The total amount of the commitments that are associated with the project, project task, and account group. |
Committed Open Amount | The total open amount of the commitments that are associated with the project, project task, account group, inventory ID, and cost code (if applicable). |
Committed Invoiced Amount | The total invoiced amount of the commitments that are associated with the project, project task, account group, inventory ID, and cost code (if applicable). |
Table Filter Tabs
Each of the default filter tabs listed below has a table whose records may be filtered.
Column | Description |
All Records Tab |
This tab lists all the existing project budget lines of any balance type (Asset, Expense, Liability, Income, or Off-Balance). |
Expenses Tab |
This tab lists all the existing project budget lines of the Expense type. |
Income Tab |
This tab lists all the existing project budget lines of the Income type. |