Daily Field Report
Form ID: (PJ304000)
You can use this form to create, view, and edit a daily field report. On this form, you track and report all activities related to the project for a particular day.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.
Command | Description |
Approve |
Approves the daily field report and changes its status from Pending Approval to Completed. The system may also (depending on the settings of the approval map) display the Enter Reason dialog box, in which you enter a comment explaining your decision to approve the daily field report. The reason you enter will be inserted in the Reason column of the row for the approval on the Approvals tab of the current form. This command appears if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, an approval map for daily field reports has been configured on the Approval Maps form, this map is selected for daily field reports in the DFR Approval Map box of the Project Management Preferences (PJ101000) form, and the daily field report has the Pending Approval status. For more information, see Managing Assignment and Approval Maps. |
Complete |
Completes the daily field report and changes its status to Completed or changes the status to Pending Approval if an approval map is specified in the DFR Approval Map box of the Project Management Preferences (PJ101000) form. This command appears if the daily field report has the On Hold status. |
Hold |
Changes the status of the daily field report to On Hold. You click this button when you want to make changes to the document. This command appears if the daily field report has the Rejected, Open or Pending Approval status. |
Print Daily Field Report | Opens the Daily Field Report Form (PJ644000) with the daily field report that can be printed or sent by email. |
Reassign |
Opens the Reassign Approval dialog box, in which you can specify a new approver to reassign the selected record to this approver if the reassignment of approvals is allowed in the related rule of the approval map on the Approval Maps (EP205015) form. This command appears if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, an approval map for daily field reports has been configured on the Approval Maps form, this map is selected for daily field reports in the DFR Approval Map box of the Project Management Preferences (PJ101000) form, and the daily field report has the Pending Approval status. For more information, see Managing Assignment and Approval Maps. |
Reject |
Rejects the daily field report. The system changes the status of the daily field report from Pending Approval to Completed. The system may also (depending on the settings of the approval map) display the Enter Reason dialog box, in which you enter a comment explaining your decision to reject the daily field report. The reason you enter will be inserted in the Reason column of the row for the approval on the Approvals tab of the current form. This command appears if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, an approval map for daily field reports has been configured on the Approval Maps form, this map is selected for daily field reports in the DFR Approval Map box of the Project Management Preferences (PJ101000) form, and the daily field report has the Pending Approval status. For more information, see Managing Assignment and Approval Maps. |
Reassign Approval Dialog Box
In this dialog box, you can specify the new approver to whom you want to reassign the selected record or records.
Element | Description |
New Approver | The name of the employee to whom you want to reassign the selected record or records. |
Ignore Approver's Delegations | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will assign the selected records to the specified new approver but not to their delegate, even if the new approver is unavailable and has a delegation set up for the current date. If the check box is cleared and if the new approver is not available and has a delegation set up for the current date, the system will reassign the selected records to the delegate if the delegate is available. If the delegate is unavailable, the system will reassign the requests to the delegate of the delegate. The system will continue the search in this way until it assigns an approver that has no active delegations set up for the current date or it detects a loop in the chain of delegations (in which case you will have to specify a different approver). |
This dialog box has the following buttons. | |
Reassign | Closes the dialog box and reassigns the selected record or records to the specified new approver if the reassignment of approvals is allowed in the related rule of the approval map on the Approval Maps (EP205015) form. |
Cancel | Closes the dialog box and cancels the reassignment of the selected record or records to a new approver. |
Summary Area
In this area, you can enter the settings of a new daily field report, or select an existing daily field report for editing and possible modification. The following table summarizes the elements of this area.
Element | Description |
DFR ID | The reference number of the daily field report, which the system automatically assigns according to the numbering sequence selected for daily field reports on the Project Management Preferences (PJ101000) form. |
Status | The status of the daily field report. The status can be one of the following:
DFR Date | The date of the daily field report. By default, the current business date is selected. |
Project | The project related to the daily field report. |
Project Manager | The person who is responsible for managing the project and authorized to approve the daily field report (if necessary). |
Created By | The user login and name of the employee that has created the daily field report. |
Site Address |
The address of the project site. When you select a project, the system populates this box with the corresponding value of the project from the Project Address section on the Summary tab of the Projects (PM301000) form. |
City |
The city of the project site. When you select a project, the system populates this box with the corresponding value of the project from the Project Address section on the Summary tab of the Projects form. |
Country |
The country of the project site. When you select a project, the system populates this box with the corresponding value of the project from the Project Address section on the Summary tab of the Projects form. |
State |
The state of the project site. When you select a project, the system populates this box with the corresponding value of the project from the Project Address section on the Summary tab of the Projects form. |
Postal Code |
The postal code of the project site. When you select a project, the system populates this box with the corresponding value of the project from the Project Address section on the Summary tab of the Projects form. |
View on Map |
A button you can click to open the project location on the map you have specified on the Site Preferences (SM200505) form. |
Latitude |
The latitude of the project site. When you select a project, the system populates this box with the corresponding value of the project from the Project Address section on the Summary tab of the Projects form. |
Longitude |
The longitude of the project site. When you select a project, the system populates this box with the corresponding value of the project from the Project Address section on the Summary tab of the Projects form. |
Temperature | The temperature at the moment of the latest observation for the daily field
report. The box is available if the Enable Weather Service Integration for Daily Field Reports check box is selected on the Project Management Preferences form. |
Humidity (%) | The humidity at the moment of the latest observation in percent for the daily
field report. The box is available if the Enable Weather Service Integration for Daily Field Reports check box is selected on the Project Management Preferences form. |
Time Observed | The last time when weather conditions were observed for the daily field report
for the daily field report. The box is available if the Enable Weather Service Integration for Daily Field Reports check box is selected on the Project Management Preferences form. |
Labor Time and Activities
On this tab, you can create, view, and edit the employee time activities related to the daily field report. Saved time activities can be viewed on the Employee Time Activities (EP307000) form. The time activities created on this tab are not assigned to any time card. You can assign them to time cards on the Employee Time Card (EP305000) form. If the time activity is assigned to a time card, it can only be edited on the Employee Time Card form in the related time card.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Employee | The ID of the employee whose time is recorded in the activity. |
Employee Name | The first and last name of the employee whose time is recorded in the activity. |
Earning Type | The type of the work time spent by the employee whose time is recorded in the activity. |
Project Task |
The project task associated with the time activity. The column is available if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Cost Code |
The cost code with which this activity is associated to track project costs and revenue. The column is available if the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Time | The time when the time activity was started. |
Time Spent | The time the employee spent on the time activity. |
Billable | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the work hours are billable. |
Billable Time | The billable time for the time activity. |
Description | The description of the time activity. |
Last Modified By | The user login and name of the employee who last modified the daily field report. |
Last Modification Date | The date of the last modification of the daily field report. |
Time Card Ref. | The time card associated with the time activity. If this column is empty, the time activity is not yet included in any time card. |
Hold | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the time activity is on hold. |
Status | The status of the time activity record, which could be Open or Completed. |
Contract |
The contract associated with the time activity, which makes it possible to bill time activities directly through contracts without using the customer management functionality. This column is hidden by default, and it is available only if the Customer Management feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Progress Worksheets Tab
On this tab, you can create, view, and edit the lines of the progress worksheet to be created for the daily field report. Once you complete the daily field report, the system creates a new progress worksheet, adds the lines from this tab to it, and saves the progress worksheet with the On Hold status.
Button | Description |
Load Template | Loads the cost budget lines of the corresponding project that have Template specified in the Productivity Tracking column. |
Select Budget Lines | Opens the Select Budget Lines dialog box, which shows the list of cost budget lines of the corresponding project that you can add to the progress worksheet. |
Element | Description |
The dialog box has a Selection area consisting of the following elements. You can use any of these elements to narrow the range of cost budget lines listed. |
Project Task | The project task whose cost budget lines will be listed in the table. |
Account Group | The account group for which cost budget lines will be listed in the table. |
Inventory ID | The identifier of the inventory item whose cost budget lines will be listed in the table. |
Cost Code From | The cost code that starts the range of cost codes whose cost budget lines will be included in the table. |
Cost Code To | The cost code that ends the range of cost codes whose cost budget lines will be included in the table. |
The dialog box also has a table with the following columns. |
Included | An unlabeled check box that you select to upload this cost budget line to the progress worksheet if you then click Add or Add & Close. |
Project Task | The project task associated with the cost budget line of the project. |
Inventory ID | The identifier of the stock or non-stock item associated with the cost budget line of the project, or the empty item code if no item is associated with the line. |
Cost Code |
The cost code associated with the cost budget line of the project. The column is shown if the Cost Codes feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Account Group | The expense account group associated with the cost budget line of the project. |
Description | The description of the cost budget line. |
Revised Budgeted Quantity | The budgeted quantity for the cost budget line, which is the same as the Revised Budgeted Quantity specified for this cost budget line on the Cost Budget tab of the Projects form. |
The dialog box has the following buttons. |
Add | Adds the selected cost budget lines to the tab. The dialog box remains open. |
Add & Close | Adds the selected cost budget lines to the tab and closes the dialog box. |
Cancel | Cancels your selections and closes the dialog box. |
Column | Description |
Worksheet Nbr. | The reference number of the progress worksheet linked to the currently selected daily field report. |
Status | The current status of the progress worksheet linked to the currently selected daily field report. The status can be one of the following: On Hold, Pending Approval, Rejected, Open, or Closed. |
Project Task | The project task of the currently selected project. |
Inventory ID |
The identifier of the stock or non-stock item associated with the cost budget line of the project. The column is shown if Task and Item or Task, Item, and Cost Code is selected as the Cost Budget Level of the project on the Summary tab of the Projects form. |
Cost Code |
The cost code associated with the cost budget line of the project. The column is shown if the Cost Codes feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Account Group | The expense account group associated with the cost budget line of the project. |
Description | The description of the cost budget line that is associated with the project, project task, account group, and cost code or inventory item. |
UOM | The unit of measure of the cost budget line. |
Previously Completed Quantity |
The total quantity of the released progress worksheets that were created before the current one and that are associated with the same project, project task, account group, and cost code or inventory item. The quantity is calculated as the sum of the Completed Quantity values of the lines of the progress worksheets that were released earlier than or on the date specified in the current progress worksheet and that are associated with the same project, project task, account group, and cost code or inventory item. |
Completed Quantity | The quantity of units that have been used since the previous progress worksheet date. |
Prior Period Quantity | The quantity of the previous financial period. This quantity is calculated as the sum of the Completed Quantity values of the lines of the released progress worksheets with dates within the previous financial period that are associated with the same project, project task, account group, and cost code or inventory item. |
Current Period Quantity | The quantity of the current financial period. This quantity is calculated as the sum of the Completed Quantity values of the lines of the released progress worksheets with dates within the current financial period that are associated with the same project, project task, account group, and cost code or inventory item. |
Total Completed Quantity | The total quantity in the lines of the released progress worksheets that were created before the current one and that are associated with the same project, project task, account group, and cost code or inventory item. |
Completed (%), Total | The total completion percentage for the cost budget line, which is calculated as the Total Completed Quantity divided by the Total Budgeted Quantity. |
Total Budgeted Quantity | The total budgeted quantity for the cost budget line, which is the same as the Revised Budgeted Quantity specified on the Cost Budget tab of the Projects form. |
Change Requests Tab
On this tab, you can add a change request created for the project to the daily field report or navigate to the Change Requests (PM308500) form to create a new one. You can also view the details of the change requests associated with the daily field report.
Button | Description |
Create New Change Request | Opens the Change Requests form, on which you can create a change request related to the daily field report. The created change request appears on this tab. |
Column | Description |
Reference Nbr. | The reference number of the change request. |
Change Date | The date on which the changes made with the change request should be recorded in the project balances. |
Ext. Ref. Nbr. | The external reference number of the change request. |
Status |
The current status of the change request linked to the currently selected daily field report. The status can be one of the following: On Hold, Pending Approval, Rejected, Open or Closed. |
Description | The description of the change request. |
Cost Total | The cost total amount of the change request. The system calculates this total as the sum of the values of all lines in the Ext. Cost column on the Estimation tab of the Change Requests form. |
Line Total | The line total amount of the change request. The system calculates this total as the sum of the values of all lines in the Line Amount column on the Estimation tab of the Change Requests form. |
Markup Total | The markup total amount of the change request. The system calculates this total as the sum of the values of all lines in the Markup Amount column on the Estimation tab of the Change Requests form. |
Price Total | The price total amount of the change request. The system calculates this amount as the sum of the Line Total and Markup Total values. |
Last Modified By | The user login and name of the employee who last modified the change request. |
Last Modification Date | The date of the last modification of the change request. |
Change Orders Tab
On this tab, you can add a change order created for the project to the daily field report or navigate to the Change Orders (PM308000) form to create a new one. You can also view the details of the change orders associated with the daily field report.
Button | Description |
Create New Change Order | Opens the Change Orders form, on which you can create a change order related to the daily field report. The created change order appears on this tab. |
Column | Description |
Reference Nbr. | The reference number of the change order. |
Class | The class of the change order. |
Customer | The identifier of the customer of the change order. |
Customer Name | The name of the customer of the change order. |
Contract Time Change, Days | A positive or negative number of days that represents the delay of the contract and is used in reports. |
Revenue Change Nbr. | The number of the change order that affect the project revenue within the project, which the system uses for printing. |
Ext. Ref. Nbr. | The external reference number of the change order. |
Description | The description of the change order. |
Status |
The current status of the change order linked to the currently selected daily field report. The status can be one of the following: On Hold, Pending Approval, Rejected, Open or Closed. |
Revenue Budget Change Total | The total amount of the changes of the change order to the revenue budget of the project, which is the total of the Amount column on the Revenue Budget tab of the Change Orders form. |
Commitment Change Total | The total amount of the changes of the change order to the commitments of the project, which is the total of the Amount in Base Currency column on the Commitments tab of the Change Orders form. |
Cost Budget Change Total | The total amount of the changes of the change order to the cost budget of the project, which is the total of the Amount column on the Cost Budget tab of the Change Orders form. |
Last Modified By | The user login and name of the employee who last modified the change order. |
Last Modification Date | The date of the last modification of the change order. |
On this tab, you can add, review, and modify the subcontractor activities.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Vendor ID |
The ID of the vendor whose time is recorded in the activity. The list of vendors available for selection may be limited based on the role or roles assigned to the user account to which you are signed in if the Customer and Vendor Visibility Restriction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. In this case, the Restrict Visibility To box appears on the Financial tab of the Vendors (AP303000) form. With the feature enabled, a vendor is available for selection if one of the following is true:
Vendor Name | The name of the vendor whose time is recorded in the activity. |
Project Task |
The project task associated with the time activity. The column is available if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Cost Code |
The cost code with which this activity is associated to track project costs and revenue. The column is available if the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Number of Workers | The quantity of subcontractor's workers that are working on the project site. |
Arrived | The time when the workers arrived to the project site. |
Departed | The time when the workers departed from the project site. |
Working Hours | The time spent by the subcontractor's workers on performing the task. |
Working Hours Total | The total working time, which is Working Hours multiplied by Number of Workers. |
Description | The description of the subcontractor activity. |
Last Modified By | The user login and name of the employee who last modified the subcontractor activity. |
Last Modification Date | The date of the last modification of the subcontractor activity. |
Project Issues Tab
On this tab, you can add a project issue created for the project to the daily field report or navigate to the Project Issue (PJ302000) form to create a new one. You can also view the details of the project issues associated with the daily field report.
Button | Description |
Create New Project Issue | Opens the Project Issue form on which you can create a project issue related to the daily field report. The created project issue appears on this tab. |
Column | Description |
Project Issue ID | The reference number of the project issue, which the system automatically assigns according to the numbering sequence selected for receipts on the Project Management Preferences (PJ101000) form. |
Summary | A brief description of the issue that happened. |
Status | The status of the project issue, which is Open or Closed. |
Priority | The priority of the project issue, which is one of the following: Low, Medium, and High. |
Project Task | The project task related to the issue. |
Project Issue Type | The type of the project issue. |
Last Modified By | The user login and name of the employee who last modified the project issue. |
Last Modification Date | The date of the last modification of the project issue. |
Created On |
The date and time when the project issue has been created. By default, the column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Due Date |
The date on which the project issue has to be resolved. By default, the column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Owner |
The user name of the employee assigned to the project issue. If a workgroup has been selected, a user name can be selected only from its list of group members; otherwise, the user name may be selected from the list of all users. By default, the column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Workgroup |
The workgroup to work on the project issue. By default, the column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Photo Logs Tab
On this tab, you can add a photo log created for the project to the daily field report or navigate to the Photo Log (PJ305000) form to create a new one. You can also view the details of the photo logs associated with the daily field report.
Button | Description |
Create New Photo Log | Opens the Photo Log form, on which you can create a photo log related to the daily field report. The created photo log appears on this tab. |
Column | Description |
Photo Log ID | The identifier of the photo log. |
Status | The status of the photo log. |
Date | The business date when the photo log was created. |
Project Task | The project task related to the photo log. |
Description | The description of the photo log. |
Created By | The name of the user who created the photo log. |
Last Modified By | The user login and name of the employee who last modified the photo log. |
Last Modification Date | The date of the last modification of the photo log. |
Element | Description |
Preview Area | The area where you can preview you can view the main photo (that is, for which the Main Photo check box is selected on the Photo Log form) of the photo log selected in the right pane. |
On this tab, you can add, review, and modify the notes for the daily field report.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Time | The time when the note is added to the report. The system inserts the current time. |
Description | A note for the daily field report. |
Last Modified By | The user login and name of the employee who last modified the subcontractor activity. |
Last Modification Date | The date and time of the last modification of the subcontractor activity. |
On this tab, you can create, view, and edit the equipment time activities related to the daily field report.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Equipment ID | The ID of the equipment used on the project site. You can select the equipment created on the Equipment (EP208000) form. |
Equipment Description | The description of the equipment. |
Project Task |
The project task associated with the equipment. The column is available if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Cost Code |
The cost code with which this equipment is associated to track project costs and revenue. The column is available if the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Setup Time | The time (in hours and minutes) during which the equipment was prepared for a regular run. |
Run Time | The time (in hours and minutes) during which the equipment was running. |
Suspend Time | The time (in hours and minutes) during which the equipment was suspended. |
Billable | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the equipment is billable. |
Description | A detailed information relevant for the particular usage of the equipment. |
Last Modified By | The user login and name of the employee who last modified the equipment record. |
Last Modification Date | The date and time of the last modification of the equipment record. |
Time Card Ref. | The time card associated with the equipment. If this column is empty, the equipment time activity is not yet included in any equipment time card. |
On this tab, you can create, view, and edit the weather records related to the daily field report.
Button | Description |
Load Weather Conditions | Receives the weather conditions for the daily field report from the weather
service for which integration is configured on the Weather
Services tab of the Project Management Preferences (PJ101000)
form. The button is available if the Enable Weather Service Integration for Daily Field Reports check box is selected on the Project Management Preferences form. |
Column | Description |
Time Observed | The time when weather conditions were observed. |
Cloudiness (%) | The amount of cloud at the moment of observation in percent. |
Sky | The description of the sky at the moment of observation, which can be one of
the following:
Temperature (F) | The temperature at the moment of observation in degrees Fahrenheit. |
Temperature Perceived | The perception of temperature, which can be one of the following options:
Humidity (%) | The humidity at the moment of observation in percent. |
Rain/Snow (in) | The amount of precipitation at the moment of observation in inches. |
Precipitation Description | The description of precipitation at the moment of observation, which is one of
the following:
Wind (mph) | The wind at the moment of observation in miles per hour. |
Wind Description | The description of the wind at the moment of observation, which is one of the
Site Conditions | The description of site conditions (ground, sea) at the moment of observation. |
Delay | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the weather conditions can cause the delay of the work performed. |
Description | An additional description of the observation. |
Last Modified By | The user login and name of the employee who last modified the weather record the last. |
Last Modification Date | The date and time of the last modification of the weather record. |
On this tab, you can add, review, and modify the visitor activities.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Visitor Type | The type of the visitor, which is one of the following:
Name | The name of the visitor |
Business Account |
The name of the business account of the visitor (if applicable). The list of values may be restricted based on the current user's access role. You can select a customer or vendor whose visibility is not restricted—that is, the following settings are specified on the Customers (AR303000) or Vendors (AP303000) form:
Company | The name of the company for which the visitor works. |
Arrived | The time when the visitor arrived to the project site. |
Departed | The time when the visitor departed from the project site. |
Purpose of Visit | The field to specify the purpose of the visit. |
Area Visited/Inspected Entity | The part of the project site that was visited or inspected. |
Description | The description of the visit. |
Last Modified By | The user login and name of the employee who last modified the visitor record. |
Last Modification Date | The date and time of the last modification of the visitor record. |
Employee Expenses Tab
On this tab, you can add an expense receipt created for the project to the daily field report or navigate to the Expense Receipt (EP301020) form to create a new one. You can also view the details of the expense receipts associated with the daily field report.
Button | Description |
Create New Expense Receipt | Opens the Expense Receipt form, on which you can create a expense receipt related to the daily field report. The created expense receipt appears on this tab. |
Columns | Description |
Reference Number | The unique number of the expense receipt. |
Project Task |
The expense receipt associated with the expense receipt. The column is available if the Project Accounting feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Cost Code |
The cost code with which this expense receipt is associated to track project costs and revenue. The column is available if the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Status |
The current status of the expense receipt linked to the currently selected daily field report. The status can be one of the following: On Hold, Pending Approval, Rejected, Open or Released. |
Description | The description of the expense receipt. |
Ref. Nbr. | The reference number, which usually matches the number of the original receipt. |
Claim Amount | The amount to be reimbursed to the employee. |
Currency | The currency of the expense receipt. |
Claimed By | The name of the employee who is claiming the expenses. |
Expense Claim Ref. Nbr. | The reference number of the expense claim associated with the expense receipt. |
Last Modified By | The user login and name of the employee who last modified the expense receipt. |
Last Modification Date | The date and time of the last modification of the expense receipt. |
Approvals Tab
On this tab, you can review the approval details for the daily field report.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Assignee ID | The identifier of the employee assigned to approve the daily field report. |
Assigned To | The name of the employee assigned to approve the daily field report. |
Workgroup | The workgroup of the employee assigned to approve the daily field report. |
Approved By (ID) | The identifier of the employee who approved or rejected the daily field report. |
Approved By | The name of the employee who approved or rejected the daily field report. |
Approval Date | The date of the approval or rejection. |
Status | The current approval status for the daily field report. The status can be one of the following:
Reason | The reason of the approval or rejection. |
On this tab, you can review the history log. The history log record is created when the status of the daily field report changes to Completed. The list of revisions is generated automatically and cannot be edited.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
File Name | The name of the PDF version of the Daily Field Report Form (PJ644000). |
Comment | The comment for the file. |
Completed Date | The date when the daily field report was completed. |
Completed By | The user login and name of the employee who completed the daily field report. |