Companies and Branches
In MYOB Advanced, a user can create new companies or maintain existing companies by using the Companies (CS101500) form.
Multiple companies can be configured in one tenant of MYOB Advanced if the Multicompany Support feature has been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Company Type
Each company has one of the following types, which is specified in the Company Type box on the Companies (CS101500) form:
- Without Branches: A company with this type cannot have any branches. If the Multibranch Support feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, this option is selected by default and cannot be changed. If the Multibranch Support feature is disabled and the Multicompany Support feature is enabled, you can create multiple companies without branches in one tenant.
- With Branches Not Requiring Balancing: A company with this type must have at least one branch. If multiple branches of the company are involved in a transaction, balancing entries are not required. This option is available if the Multibranch Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.
- With Branches Requiring Balancing: A company with this type must have at least one branch. If multiple branches of the company are involved in a transaction, balancing entries are required. This option is available if the Multibranch Support and Inter-Branch Transactions features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.
For details about how MYOB Advanced supports multiple branches for a company, see Multiple Branch Support.
After a company has been configured, the company type still can be changed as follows.
From | To | Condition |
Without Branches |
With Branches Not Requiring Balancing or With Branches Requiring Balancing |
At any time |
With Branches Not Requiring Balancing or With Branches Requiring Balancing |
Without Branches | The company has only one branch or no branches at all. |
With Branches Not Requiring Balancing | With Branches Requiring Balancing | No transactions have been posted by company branches or the company has only one branch. |
With Branches Requiring Balancing | With Branches Not Requiring Balancing | No transactions have been posted by company branches or the company has only one branch. |
Company Statuses
When you create a new company on the Companies (CS101500) form, the company is assigned the default status of Active. Active companies and their branches can be selected on data entry forms and in reports. However, at some point, you may need to remove a company from the system, so that users will not be able to select the company and its branches on data entry forms and reports. In this case, you deactivate the company by clicking Deactivate on the More menu of the Companies form.
You can later activate the company again by clicking Activate on the More menu of the Companies form.
If the Multiple Calendar Support feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and you activate a company, the system performs the following actions:
- Compares the set of financial periods in the master calendar with the set of financial periods of the current company. (Only the IDs of the periods are compared—not their starting and ending dates.) If these sets are different, the system generates the missing periods for the company. You can view these periods on the Company Financial Calendar (GL201100) form.
- On the Company Financial Calendar form, assigns the period's status and the states
of the Closed in AP, Closed in AR,
Closed in IN, Closed in CA, and
Closed in FA check boxes for each new period in the company
calendar according to the following rules:
- If the Centralized Period Management feature is enabled, the period's status and the states of the Closed in <Subledger> check boxes are copied from the corresponding settings of the master calendar.
- If the Centralized Period Management feature is disabled and the missing
period is the first added period in the company calendar, the period's status and the
states of the Closed in <Subledger> check boxes are copied
from earliest period of the company calendar.
If the missing period is added in the middle of the company calendar—that is, if there are periods before and after the added period—the period's status and the states of the Closed in <Subledger> check boxes are copied from the period just before the added period.
If the missing period is added to the end of the company calendar—that is, if there are no periods after the added period—the added period is assigned the Inactive status, and the Closed in <Subledger> check boxes are cleared.
If the Fixed Asset Management feature is enabled and the Multiple Calendar Support feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, and you activate a company on the Companies form, the system performs the following actions:
- Checks whether each period in the general ledger calendar has a matching period in the calendar of the company's posting book. (Only the IDs of the periods are compared.)
- Generates the missing periods in the company's posting book.
For more details about financial periods, see Generating Financial Calendars, Financial Calendar Generation: General Information, and Managing Financial Periods.
Company Maintenance
For a company that has the With Branches Not Requiring Balancing or With Branches Requiring Balancing type, the Branches tab becomes available on the Companies (CS101500) form. On this tab, a system administrator can add new branches to the company or delete branches from the list of company branches; when the company has no branches, it can be also deleted.
A company with the Without Branches type can be deleted if it has no GL history (that is, if no GL transactions are associated with the company) and if no cash accounts, employees, warehouses, and fixed assets are linked to the company.
If a user clicks Deactivate on the More menu of the Companies form for a company that has branches, all the company branches will be deactivated. However, a branch cannot be deactivated if it is linked to an active warehouse, to an employee with a status other than Inactive, or to a fixed asset with a status other than Disposed or Reversed, and a company with such a branch also cannot be deactivated.
Configuration of Access to Company Data
Access to the data related to a specific branch or to all branches of a company is regulated by an access role.
When an access role is specified for a company in the Access Role box on the Companies (CS101500) form, the system prompts whether the access role should be copied to the settings of all branches of the company. When the Access Role box is cleared for the company, the system prompts whether the access role should be removed from the settings of all branches of the company. If no access role is specified for the company, an individual access role can be specified for each branch of the company on the Branches (CS102000) from.
A user that has access to at least one of the company branches can select the company in corresponding boxes on data entry forms.
For more information about ways to manage the security of a branch, see Security of Organization Branches.
A company can post transactions to various ledgers, but it can be associated with only one actual ledger.
A user can manage ledgers associated with a company in any of the following ways:
- Create for a new company a ledger of the Actual type by clicking Create Ledger on the More menu (under Other) of the Companies (CS101500) form
- Review the list of the ledgers associated with the company, add an existing ledger to the list, or remove a ledger from the list by using the Ledgers tab of the Companies form
- Review the list of all ledgers associated with the company of the selected branch by using the Ledgers tab of the Branches (CS102000) form
- Maintain the list of the companies that are allowed to post to non-actual ledgers by using the Ledgers (GL201500) form
An actual ledger can be detached from a company if the ledger contains no transactions associated with any branch of the company.
For more information about ledgers, see the Managing Ledgers chapter.
Tax Reports
Tax reports always include company-wide data.
Visual Appearance
On the Visual Appearance tab of the Companies (CS101500) or Branches (CS102000) form, a user can specify separate images for the logo displayed in the top left corner of MYOB Advanced and for the logo displayed on reports for the selected company or branch.