Company Financial Calendar
Form ID: (GL201100)
On this form, you maintain financial calendars for the companies of the tenant. If the Multiple Calendar Support feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the structure of a company financial calendar (that is, the start date of the financial year, the number of periods, and the period start and end dates) is the same as it is in the master calendar, which you maintain on the Master Financial Calendar (GL201000) form. The system automatically modifies the financial calendar for each existing company when you add or delete a year in the master calendar on the Master Financial Calendar form, and it creates a calendar for a new company that you create on the Companies (CS101500) form.
If the Multiple Calendar Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, the structure of a company financial calendar can be the same as the structure of the master calendar or can be different (for example, the financial year start and end dates can be a few periods earlier or later than those of the master calendar). If the structure of a company financial calendar differs from that of the master calendar, you need to separately configure the company calendar for each company. New financial years have to be generated and deleted (if needed) separately for each company.
If both the Multiple Calendar Support and Fixed Asset Management features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, the system will not allow you to delete a financial year on the current form if at least one period of the year has released or unreleased fixed asset transactions in the posting book for the branches of the company. The system performs validation only if no GL batches exist for the year.
On this form, you can review the financial periods for a particular company and navigate to the Manage Financial Periods (GL503000) form to perform operations on periods, such as opening or closing. This form appears in the system when the Centralized Period Management feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.
Command | Description |
Close Periods | Opens the Manage Financial Periods (GL503000) form with the Close option selected in the Action box. On this form, you can change the status of financial periods from Open to Closed for the specified company and financial year. |
Deactivate Periods | Opens the Manage Financial Periods form with the Deactivate option selected in the Action box. On this form,you can change the status of financial periods from Open to Inactive for the specified company and financial year. |
Generate Calendar |
Opens the Generate GL Calendars dialog box, where you specify the settings for the financial calendar of the selected company. This button appears on the form if the Multiple Calendar Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
Lock Periods | Opens the Manage Financial Periods form with the Lock option selected in the Action box. On this form, you can change the status of financial periods from Closed to Locked for the specified company and financial year. |
Open Periods | Opens the Manage Financial Periods form with the Open option selected in the Action box. On this form, you can change the status of financial periods from Inactive to Open for the specified company and financial year. |
Reopen Periods |
Opens the Manage Financial Periods form with the Reopen option selected in the Action box. On this form, you can change the status of financial periods from Closed to Open for the specified company and financial year. This command is available only to users assigned to the Financial Supervisor role on the User Roles (SM201005) form if the Restrict Access to Closed Periods check box is selected on the General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form. |
Unlock Periods |
Opens the Manage Financial Periods form with the Unlock option selected in the Action box. On this form, you can change the status of financial periods from Locked to Closed for the specified company and financial year. This command is available only to users assigned to the Financial Supervisor role on the User Roles form if the Restrict Access to Closed Periods check box is selected on the General Ledger Preferences form. For details, see Master Calendar Generation. |
Element | Description |
Company | A read-only box that displays the company you have selected in the Company box of the Selection area. |
First Year | A read-only box that displays the first financial year you have set up for the selected company. |
Last Year | A read-only box that displays the last financial year that has been set up for the selected company. |
From Year | The year starting from which you want to generate the GL calendar. |
To Year | The year up to which you want to generate the GL calendar. |
The dialog box contains the following buttons. |
OK | Creates the GL calendar for the specified range of years and closes the dialog box. |
Cancel | Closes the dialog box without creating a GL calendar. |
Selection Area
In this area, you select the settings of a company financial calendar whose periods will be listed in the table.
Element | Description |
Company | The company for which you want to maintain or review a financial calendar. If you select a company and it does not have a financial calendar configured, the system opens the Create First Year of Company Calendar dialog box so that you can create this year. |
Financial Year | The financial year for which you want to review the financial periods. |
Start Date | The date when the first financial period of the selected financial year starts. This date is copied from the master calendar. |
Number of Periods | The number of periods in the selected financial year. |
Element | Description |
Company | A read-only box that displays the company you have selected in the Company box of the Selection area. |
First Financial Year | The first year for the selected company, which you select from the list of financial years available in the system. |
Master Period ID | The start period of the financial year you have selected. You can select the start period from the list of periods of the selected financial year from the master calendar. |
Start Date | The start date of the selected master period. |
The dialog box contains the following buttons. |
OK | Creates the first year in the company calendar, using the company and year you have specified, and closes the dialog box. |
Cancel | Closes the dialog box without creating the first financial year. |
In this table, you can view the list of financial periods for the selected company and financial year. The total number of periods in the financial year and their start and end dates are defined on the Master Financial Calendar (GL201000) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Financial Period ID | The unique identifier of the financial period. The value is a combination of the financial year and the period number. |
Start Date | The date when the financial period starts. This date is copied from the master calendar. |
End Date | The date when the financial period ends. This date is copied from the master calendar. |
Description | The description of the financial period (such as the name of the month or the number of the quarter). This value is copied from the master calendar. |
Status | The status of the financial period, which can be one of the following values:
Inactive, Open, Closed, or Locked. For details, see Master Calendar Generation. |
Closed in AP | A read-only check box that indicates (if selected) that the financial period is
closed in the accounts payable subledger for the selected company; if this check box
is cleared, the period is open in the accounts payable subledger. For details, see Closing Financial Periods: General Information. |
Closed in AR | A read-only check box that indicates (if selected) that the financial period is closed in the accounts receivable subledger for the selected company; if this check box is cleared, the period is open in this subledger. |
Closed in IN | A read-only check box that indicates (if selected) that the financial period is closed in the inventory subledger for the selected company; if this check box is cleared, the period is open in the subledger. |
Closed in CA | A read-only check box that indicates (if selected) that the financial period is closed in the cash management subledger for the selected company; if this check box is cleared, the period is open in this subledger. |
Closed in FA | A read-only check box that indicates (if selected) that the financial period is closed in the fixed assets subledger for the selected company; if this check box is cleared, the period is open in the fixed assets subledger. |
Master Calendar Period ID |
A read-only column that displays the period ID in the master calendar. The period ID corresponds to the company period (shown in the Financial Period ID column for this row). This column appears on the form if the Multiple Calendar Support feature has been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |