Matrix Items: To Purchase Matrix Items
The following activity will walk you through the process of creating and processing purchasing documents that contain matrix items.
Suppose that SweetLife Fruits & Jams has started to sell fruit and vegetable juice. You, as a purchasing manager of the company, have a task to order apple, tomato, pineapple, and orange juice in glass bottles of 16 and 32 fluid ounces, 20 units of each variant, from the All Fruits Mall vendor and receive the juice in the wholesale warehouse.
Stock items for juice have been added to the system as matrix items, but the items for tomato and pineapple juice in glass bottles of 32 fluid ounces were not created during the initial creation of these matrix items. The system will create these matrix items automatically when you create a purchase order.
Configuration Overview
For the purposes of this lesson, the following features have been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form:
- Matrix Items
- Inventory
The following entities, which you will use in this activity, have been predefined in the system:
- The WHOLESALE warehouse on the Warehouses (IN204000) form
- The MJUICE item class on the Item Classes (IN201000) form
- The ALLFRUITS vendor on the Vendors (AP303000) form
- The following attributes on the Attributes (CS205000) form: VOLUME, PACKAGE, and INGREDIENT
- The JUICE template item on the Template Items (IN203000) form
- The following matrix items on the Stock Items (IN202500) form: APL-16OZ-GBT, APL-32OZ-GBT, ORG-16OZ-GBT, ORG-32OZ-GBT, PNL-16OZ-GBT, and TMT-16OZ-GBT (that is, the matrix items for apple and orange juice in glass bottles of 16 and 32 fluid ounces, and for pineapple and tomato juice in glass bottles of 16 fluid ounces)
Process Overview
To prepare the purchasing documents for matrix items in this activity, you will do the following:
- Prepare a purchase order on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form to order the juice bottles from the vendor.
- Prepare a purchase receipt on the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form when you receive the juices from the vendor.
- Review the availability of the purchased juices on the Matrix Inventory Summary (IN401500) form.
System Preparation
Do the following:
- Launch the MYOB Advanced website, and sign in as a purchasing manager by using the wiley login and the 123 password.
- On the Company and Branch Selection menu, on the top pane of the MYOB Advanced screen, make sure that the SweetLife Head Office and Wholesale Center branch is selected.
- In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the MYOB Advanced screen, make sure that the business date in your system is set to today’s date. For simplicity, in this activity, you will create and process all documents in the system on this business date.
Step 1: Creating a Purchase Order
To create a purchase order for 20 units of apple, orange, tomato, and pineapple juice in glass bottles of 16 and 32 fluid ounces, do the following:
- On the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form, create a purchase order,
and specify the following settings in the Summary area:
- Type: Normal
- Date: Today
- Promised On: Today
- Description: Purchase of bottled juice
- On the table toolbar of the Details tab, click Add Matrix Items. The Add Matrix Item: Matrix View dialog box opens. At the bottom of the dialog box, click Open Table View.
- In the Add Matrix Item: Table View dialog box, which
opens, do the following:
- In the Template ID box, select JUICE.
- In the Warehouse box, select WHOLESALE.
- Add rows with the following settings to the table
Ingredient Package Volume Quantity Apple Glass bottle 16 fl oz 20 Apple Glass bottle 32 fl oz 20 Orange Glass bottle 16 fl oz 20 Orange Glass bottle 32 fl oz 20 Pineapple Glass bottle 16 fl oz 20 Pineapple Glass bottle 32 fl oz 20 Tomato Glass bottle 16 fl oz 20 Tomato Glass bottle 32 fl oz 20 As you enter the rows, the applicable inventory IDs are filled in. Notice that for the PNL-32OZ-GBT and TMT-32OZ-GBT items, the check box in the New column is selected. This means that the items do not currently exist in the system and will be created when you add the items to the order.
- Click Add and Close to add the items to the purchase order. The system has created the PNL-32OZ-GBT and TMT-32OZ-GBT stock items and added all the items to the Details tab of the form.
- In the Unit Cost column of the tab, specify 6.99 for the items in bottles of 16 fluid ounces and 9.99 for the items in bottles of 32 fluid ounces.
- On the form toolbar, click Remove Hold so that you can continue processing the purchase order.
You have created the purchase order that contains matrix items.
Step 2: Processing the Purchase Receipt
Suppose that you have received the ordered juice in the wholesale warehouse. Create the purchase receipt for the purchase order as follows:
- On the form toolbar of the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form while you are still viewing the purchase order, click Enter PO Receipt. The system prepares the purchase receipt for the selected purchase order and opens it on the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form.
- Select the Create Bill check box so that the system will create the related AP bill automatically during the release of the purchase order.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
- On the form toolbar, click Release.
- On the Other tab, click the IN Ref. Nbr. link, and review the details of the generated inventory receipt, which the system opens on the Receipts (IN301000) form. Make sure the inventory receipt has the Released status.
You have processed the purchase receipt with matrix items.
Step 3: Reviewing Item Availability
To make sure that the matrix items you have ordered are being tracked as available in the wholesale warehouse, do the following:
- Open the Matrix Inventory Summary (IN401500) form.
- In the Summary area, specify the following:
- Template ID: JUICE
- Column Attribute ID: INGREDIENT
- Row Attribute ID: VOLUME
- Warehouse: WHOLESALE
- Plan Type: Available
- In the only row of the Package column (which is immediately below the Summary area), select GBT - Glass Bottle. The system will use this value to generate all items of this group.
- In the table, make sure that the ordered and received items are available in the wholesale warehouse.
You have processed the documents that reflect ordering matrix items and receiving the items in a warehouse.