To Delete an Existing Tenant by Using MYOB Advanced Configuration Wizard
If you need to delete an existing tenant by using the MYOB Advanced Configuration Wizard, you open the instance for tenant maintenance and delete the tenant in advanced mode.
Note: Because any tenant you see on the Tenant Setup page can be a live tenant, you may
want to create backups before making any changes.
To Delete an Existing Tenant
- Run the MYOB Advanced Configuration Wizard on the server where MYOB Advanced is installed. For example, select Start > MYOB Advanced > MYOB Advanced.
- On the Welcome page, click Perform Application Maintenance.
- On the Application Maintenance page, do the following:
- In the Installed Sites list, click the appropriate MYOB Advanced instance.
- In the bottom area of the page, click Maintain Tenants.
- In the SQL Server Authentication dialog box, select the authentication method to be used to connect to the database, and then click OK.
- On the Tenant Setup page, select the tenant row in the Installed Tenants list.
- Click Delete.
- When you're prompted, click OK to delete the selected tenant.
- On the Table Configuration page, check the data sharing modes for the database tables, and then click Next.
- On the Confirmation of Configuration page, do the following:
- Check the configuration settings you have specified.
- If you want to save the configuration settings in an XML file on your computer, click Save Configuration.
- Click Finish to delete the tenant.