Product Configurator: Implementation Activity
In the following implementation activity, you will learn how to implement the product configuration functionality.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will do the following:
- On the Configurator Preferences (AM104000) form, review the default settings of production configuration functionality.
- On the Configuration Maintenance (AM207500) form, create a new revision of an existing configuration and add rules.
- On the Configuration Entry (AM306000) form, test the configuration.
System Preparation
Before you start implementing the product configuration functionality, do the following:
- Launch the MYOB Advanced website, and sign in to a company with the SalesDemo dataset preloaded. You should sign in as the system administrator with the admin username and the password for this user valid for your instance.
- Make sure that the Product Configurator feature in the Manufacturing group of features has been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Step 1: Reviewing Default Settings of Product Configurator
To review default settings of the product configurator, do the following:
- Open the Configurator Preferences (AM104000) form.
- In the General section, make sure that the following
settings are specified:
- Config Numbering Sequence: AMCONFIG
- Default Revision: A
- Config Key Format: No Keys (that is, a configuration key is not required)
- Default Key Number Sequence: Empty
- Completion Required Before Production: Selected (that is, a user will have to complete the configuration before creating a production order)
- In the Price section, make sure that the following
settings are specified:
- Hide Price Details: Cleared (that is, the price details will be displayed when a user configures items)
- Rollup: Children All (that is, the system will calculate the selling price as the rolled up selling price of each option, including all fixed materials in the bill of material)
- Override Default on Configuration: Selected (that is, the user can override the calculated price rollup for a configuration)
- Calculate: After Selection (that is, the system calculates the selling price each time the user selects an option or enters a quantity)
- Override Default on Configuration: Selected (that is, the user can override the calculation method of a selling price for a particular configuration)
- In the Order Fields section, make sure that all check boxes are selected. This means that the corresponding boxes of a sales order line will be available for editing.
Step 2: Setting Up a Configuration
To set up a configuration, do the following:
- Open the Configuration Maintenance (AM207500) form.
- In the Configuration ID box, select AMC000002, which is the configuration for the AMDOORDH01 item.
- In the Revision box, type B to add a new revision of the configuration and be able to change the details.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
- On the Features tab, add rules to features as follows:
- Click the row with the JAMB feature and on the
Rules tab of the lower table, add the rules
listed in the following table.
Rule Source Option Target Feature Target Option Include F/J Pine, 18x90 2 Piece ARCHITRAVE FJ Pine Ex 40x25 Profiled Include FJ Pine 115x30 Arkline ARCHITRAVE FJ Pine Ex 75x25 Profiled Exclude FJ Pine 115x30 Arkline ARCHITRAVE FJ Pine Ex 100x25 Profiled Require Undershot Jamb HARDWARE AMDOORHDSS - Click the row with the ARCHITRAVE feature and on the
Rules tab of the lower table, add the rules
listed in the following table.
Rule Source Option Target Feature Target Option Exclude FJ Pine Ex 100x25 Profiled DOORS Horizon SQ10 1980 x 510 Include FJ Pine Ex 75x25 Profiled HARDWARE AMDOORHDE1 Require FJ Pine Ex 40x25 Profiled HARDWARE AMDOORHDE2 - Click the row with the DOORS feature and on the
Rules tab of the lower table, add the rules
listed in the following table.
Rule Source Option Target Feature Target Option Exclude EPS S/C HARDWARE AMDOORHDD2 Exclude Solid Core JAMB J2P38/90 Set A
- Click the row with the JAMB feature and on the
Rules tab of the lower table, add the rules
listed in the following table.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
- Select the attributes below in Attributes tab and on the
Rules tab of the lower table, add the rules listed in
the following table.
Rule Condition Value 1 Value 2 Label: Jamb thickness, Attribute ID: Units Validate Is Between =CDbl(1.25) =CDbl(3) Label: Height waste, Attribute ID: Units Validate Is Greater Than or Equal To =CDbl(0) Label: Width waste, Attribute ID: Units Validate Is Greater Than or Equal To =CDbl(0) Label: Architrave height, Attribute ID: Units Validate Is Greater Than or Equal To =CDbl(0) Validate Is Less Than or Equal To =CDbl(180) Label: Architrave height waste, Attribute ID: Units Validate Is Greater Than or Equal To =CDbl(0) Label: Architrave width waste, Attribute ID: Units Validate Is Greater Than or Equal To =CDbl(0) - On the form toolbar, click Save.
Step 3: Testing the Configuration
To test the configuration, do the following:
- While you are still viewing the configuration on the Configuration Maintenance (AM207500) form, on the More menu, click
Test Configuration.Tip: You open the More menu by clicking the More button (…) on the form toolbar.
- In the Configuration Entry (AM306000) form, which opens in the popup
window, do the following:
- On the Features pane, click JAMBS.
- On the Options tab, select the unlabeled check box in the row with the FJ Pine 115x30 Arkline option. The system displays this option under the JAMB feature on the Features pane.
- Make sure that the system added the FJ Pine Ex 75x25 Profiled option under the ARCHITRAVE feature because of the Include rule you added for the JAMB feature and the FJ Pine 115x30 Arkline option.
- Make sure that the system also added the AMDOORHDE1 option under the HARDWARE feature according to the rule you added for the ARCHITRAVE feature and the FJ Pine Ex 75x25 Profiled option.
- On the Features pane, click DOORS.
- On the Options tab, select the unlabeled check box in the row with the Horizon SQ10 1980 x 760 option. The system displays this option under the DOORS feature on the Features pane.
- On the Attributes tab, view the warning message displayed for the Jamb thickness attribute. According to the rule for this attribute, its value must be between 1.25 and 3 but the value of the attribute is 5.
- Change the value of the attribute to 3. Make sure that the warning message disappeared.
- On the form toolbar, click Finish to indicate that you finished testing, and close the form.
You have successfully implemented the product configuration.