Configuration Entry
Form ID: ()
You can open this form in any of the following ways:
- By clicking the Configure button on the Details tab of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form
- By clicking the Configure button on the Products tab of the Opportunities (CR304000) form
- By clicking the Configure button on the References tab of the Production Order Maintenance (AM201500) form
- By clicking Test Configuration on the More menu of the Configuration Maintenance (AM207500) form
You make sure that the following is done before you use configuration entry:
- On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Product Configurator feature is enabled .
- On the Manufacturing tab of the Stock Items (IN202500) form, the stock item to be configured has the Configuration ID specified.
- The stock Item has an active configuration revision related on the Configuration Maintenance (AM207500) form.
- The Allow Configuration Entry check box must be selected on the
following forms:
- Order Types (SO201000) for all required sales order types
- Customer Management Preferences (CR101000)
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.
Button | Description |
Close Testing | The button only appears if you are testing the configuration from the Configuration Maintenance (AM207500) form. |
Finish |
This will validate all rules, make sure pricing is up to date on the configuration, and mark the configuration as Complete. Configurations that are not complete cannot move forward to production. Incomplete configurations are allowed for progress saving. If a user needs to make a change to a configuration they must click finish again to confirm completion of the changes, revalidate the configuration, and regenerate the configuration keys and descriptions. |
Unfinish | This enables you to change the configuration and clears the Complete check box. |
Form Elements
On the following screenshot, you can view the form elements.
- Features pane
- Feature/Options Allowable Values
- Table Toolbar
- Options or Attributes Details
The tree on the left of the page displays all features and their available options. The features list uses the labels defined for each feature. The options show their label and description but if desired the user can add the inventory item id to the columns. The order of the features is the sort order defined for the features in Configuration Maintenance (AM207500). Icons are used to indicate the feature as satisfying the configuration requirements. The check box icon indicate the feature has satisfied the quantity and selection requirements. The error icon indicates the feature needs to be completed before the overall configuration can be completed.
You can navigate through the feature selection by clicking on the feature or option in the panel. There is no required sequence in configuration entry but changing the option selected may invalidate an option previously selected and this will be indicated by the error icon as shown below.
Summary Area
Element | Description |
Inventory ID | Inventory ID related to the order being configured. |
Price | Calculated total configured price in the currency specified. Price updates depending on the price settings for the configuration. The standard Currency box is used. |
Customer | The purpose is to provide the ability to test using customer or customer class pricing and is only visible when you click Configuration Maintenance (AM207500) form. | on the form toolbar of the
Completed | Indicates if the configuration is finished or completed (selected) or still in progress (cleared). This occurs when all attributes and features are indicated as completed. This is an application controlled field and disabled to the user. |
Options Tab
When a feature or option of a feature is selected in the feature navigation panel the options tab will show the options selected for that feature (or feature of selected option) to guide the user in their selections.
Element | Description |
Min/Max Selection | Minimum and maximum number of options that must be selected for the given
feature. NONE indicates no restrictions. For example:
Min/Lot/Max Qty | These values can apply to both the total feature quantities or to the quantity
of each option. NONE indicates no restrictions.
Total Qty | This is a running total of the quantities of all options. |
Button | Description |
Show All | Displays all options that are available. An option is not available if it has been excluded by a rule. |
Hide | Hides options with the Excluded status. |
Column | Description |
Included | This indicates an option has been selected. |
Label | The label identifies the option. |
Description | Description of the option. |
Qty | Quantity required for one manufactured configured item. The field enabled status is controlled from the configuration maintenance features tab. This field can also be calculated from formulas. If the field allows entry the values will be limited to Min/Max values. If Lot Qty is entered for the option/feature the value will auto-adjust up to the next Lot Qty. (Ex: Lot qty = 2.5 and user enters 6. The value will then change from 6 to 7.5. Same goes for a calculated/formula value. If the result of the formula violates the lot allowed values, it is rounded up to the next lot qty. |
UOM | The base unit of measure for the option is display only. |
Inventory ID | The identifier of the inventory item assigned to the option. |
Attributes Tab
Attributes related to the current configuration. Includes attributes from all levels of configurations. As sublevel configurations are pulled in via selections the attributes update accordingly.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Element | Description |
Parent | Configurations are multilevel and each new level selected into the configuration will display the attributes for all levels involved. The parent shows the inventory ID (for configured item only) or the child level option label. |
Label | Attribute label value. |
Description | Attribute label description. |
Required | Indicates the attribute must have a value before the configuration can be completed. |
Value | Entered value. Required when the required check box is checked. |