To Set Up Replenishment for a Stock Item
If your organization uses replenishment of stock items, you can set up specific replenishment settings for each stock item by using the Stock Items (IN202500) form, as described in this topic.
Note: To open any form, you can navigate to it or
search for it (by its name or by its form ID without periods). For more information
about search capabilities, see Search.
Before You Proceed
- Make sure that the replenishment classes you want to assign to the stock item have been created on the Replenishment Classes (IN208800) form.
- Make sure that the seasonalities you want to assign to the stock item have been created on the Replenishment Seasonality (IN206600) form.
To Set Up Replenishment for a Stock Item
- Open the Stock Items (IN202500) form.
- In the Inventory ID box, select the stock item for which you want to configure replenishment settings.
- On the Replenishment tab, do the following for each
replenishment class you want to assign to the item:
- On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
- In the Repl. Class column, select the replenishment class you want to assign to the stock item.
- In the Seasonality column, select the seasonality for the stock item.
- In the Source box, select the source of replenishment to be used for the item class.
- In the Method box, select the replenishment method to be applied to the stock item.
- On the Vendors tab, make sure that the vendors from which the stock item should be purchased have been added and that the vendors are active.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.