To Create a Replenishment Seasonality
If your organization sells items with a seasonal demand and you want to replenish these items automatically, you have to create seasonality entities in the system by using the Replenishment Seasonality (IN206600) form, as described in this topic.
Before You Proceed
- Make sure that the Inventory Replenishment feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
- Make sure that a calendar you will use in the seasonality settings has been created on the Work Calendar (CS209000) form.
To Create a Replenishment Seasonality
- Open the Replenishment Seasonality (IN206600) form.Tip: To open the form for creating a new record, type the form ID in the Search box, and on the Search form, point at the form title and click New right of the title.
- On the form toolbar, click Add New Record.
- In the Seasonality ID box, type the unique identifier to be used for the seasonality.
- In the Description box, type a brief description of the seasonality.
- In the Calendar box, select the calendar that will be used for determining low seasons and for gathering sales statistics.
- In the table, do the following for each date range that you want to include in the current
- On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
- In the Season Start Date column, type or select the date when the season starts.
- In the Season End Date column, type or select the date when the season ends.
- In the Factor column, type the coefficient that the system will use to reduce or increase item replenishment quantity between the start and end dates.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.