Searching in MYOB Advanced: Process Activity
The following activity will help you find specific information that you are searching for in MYOB Advanced.
Video Tutorial
This video shows you the common process but may contain less detail than the activity has. If you want to repeat the activity on your own or you are preparing to take the certification exam, we recommend that you follow the instructions in the activity steps.
Suppose that you are David Chubb, a new sales manager of the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company. Your colleague who works with the FourStar Coffee & Sweets Shop customer has gone on vacation. Your manager called you and asked for some information on the customer and suggested that you use “the Customer History Summary report.” You are not yet familiar with this report.
You need to find out the following information about the FourStar Coffee & Sweets Shop:
- The customer address
- The invoice with the largest amount for goods sold in January 2023
- The status of the invoice with the reference number 000064
- The date and number of the customer's scanned purchase order (a file), which the sales order 000063 is based on
- The data presented in the Customer History Summary (AR652100) report
Process Overview
In this activity, you will do the following:
- Conduct your first search and view the search results
- Search for a customer profile by the name of the customer
- Search for a record in a list of records
- Search for the invoice by its reference number
- Search for a file that is attached to a sales order
- Search for information in a Help topic
System Preparation
Before you start searching for the needed information in MYOB Advanced, make sure that the following tasks have been performed:
- You have installed an MYOB Advanced instance with the U100 dataset or a system administrator has performed this task for you.
- A system administrator has built the full-text search index on the Rebuild Full-Text Entity Index (SM209500) form to accelerate searching in your MYOB Advanced instance. For details, see Search Indexes: General Information.
- You have signed in to MYOB Advanced with the following credentials:
- Username: chubb
- Password: 123
For details, see Accessing MYOB Advanced: Process Activity.
Step 1: Conducting a Search
Suppose that you want to practice conducting a search, to become familiar with the steps involved.
To conduct a search for the word employee, do the following:
- In the Search box, type
employee. You may need to wait for a moment until the
system completes the search. When the search is complete,
the Menu
Items tab of the Search form opens with the search results.Tip: When you type a keyword or phrase in the Search box (or copy it into the box), you should not press Enter. Pressing Enter results in the system switching to the next tab of the Search form (the Transactions and Profiles tab). This may be inconvenient if you are searching for a form, report, or dashboard because these search results are displayed on the Menu Items tab of the Search form, which opens by default if you do not press Enter.
- View the search results, if any, on the various tabs.Note: The keyword or phrase you are searching for is in bold in the search results.
The Search form displays the following information:
- On the Menu Items tab, forms and reports that have the employee keyword in their names
- On the Transactions and Profiles tab, records that have the employee keyword in their names, descriptions and notes attached to records
- On the Help Topics tab, Help topics that have the employee keyword in their names or their content
- On
the Files tab, files that have the
employee keyword in their namesTip:
- When you click a particular link on the Menu Items, Transactions and Profiles or Files tab, a form opens. If you would like to again view your search results, you need to start the search again. When you click a particular link on the Help Topics tab, a Help topic opens in a new browser tab.
- For documents, transactions, profiles, Help topics, and files, if the list of the search results is longer than one page, you can see the Next button in the lower part of the Search form.
Step 2: Searching for a Customer Profile
To search for a customer profile, do the following:
- In the Search box, type fourstar. The Search form opens.
- On the Transactions and Profiles tab, click Customer: FourStar Coffee & Sweets Shop. The Customers (AR303000) form opens with this customer selected.
- On the General tab of the form, find the Account Address section. You can view the customer address here.
Step 3: Searching for a Record in a List of Records
To search for an invoice in the list of invoices, do the following:
- In the Search box, type SO3030PL. The Search form opens.
- In
the Transactions category of the Menu
Items tab, click Invoices.
The Invoices
(SO3030PL) form opens, which lists the
invoices that have been created on the Invoices
(SO303000) form.Tip: This list of records is opened when you click Invoices whether you searched on SO303000 or SO3030PL. (An identifier ending in PL represents a list of records created on the corresponding data entry form.)
- In the Customer column, click any row that has the value COFFEESHOP.
- Press Shift+F to display the invoices with COFFEESHOP in the Customer column.
- In the list of the invoices for the FourStar Coffee & Sweets Shop, locate the invoice with the highest amount in the Amount column and the date in January 2023.
Step 4: Searching for an Invoice by Its Reference Number
To search for the needed invoice by its reference number, do the following:
- In the Search box, type 000064. The Search form opens.
- On the Transactions and Profiles tab, click SO Invoice: 000064 - FourStar Coffee & Sweets Shop. The Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form opens. In the Summary area (which is in the top part of the form), notice the value in the Status box: Closed.
You can search for any document or transaction by its reference number in this way.
Step 5: Searching for a File Attached to a Record
Now you need to search for the scanned purchase order from FourStar Coffee & Sweets Shop, which is attached to the sales order with the reference number 000063.
To search for a file attached to a record, do the following:
- In the Search box, type 000063. The Search form opens.
- On the Files tab, click Sales Orders (IN 000063)\PO_Four_Stars_Coffee_Sweets_Shop.pdf. The File Maintenance (SM202510) form opens with this file selected. Notice that one version of the file is listed in the table of the form.
- On
the table toolbar, click View Selected
The file is downloaded to your computer.Tip: If multiple versions of the file are listed, you need to first click the row with the needed version.
- Open the file and view the details. As mentioned, you need to find the date and number of this scanned purchase order.
Step 6: Searching for a Help Topic
Suppose that you need to run the Customer History Summary (AR652100) report on the customer FourStar Coffee & Sweets Shop. Further suppose that before running this report, you want to find the description of the report as a whole and the parameters you need to select before running the report.
To search for this Help topic, do the following:
- In the Search box, type customer history summary. The Search form opens.
- On the Help
Topics tab,
the Customer History Summary link.Attention: Do not click the link with the report name followed by its number: Customer History Summary (AR652100). This link contains a list of links related to the report rather than being the report reference topic.
The report reference Help topic for the Customer History Summary (AR652100) report opens in a new browser tab. You can read about the description and parameters of the report.