Vehicle Entry
In MYOB Advanced, you can enter information about all your company's vehicles.
In this topic, you will read about adding vehicle types in the system and entering the details of all vehicles.
Adding Vehicle Types
Vehicle types are used to group vehicles with the same properties. When you add a vehicle type on the Vehicle Types (FS204200) form, you specify the identifier and a description of the type. On the Attributes tab, you can also specify any number of attributes that you want to track for the vehicles of the type. For attributes to be added on this tab, they must be defined on the Attributes (CS205000) form.
When you create a vehicle and assign a vehicle type on the Vehicles (FS203600) form, the system fills in the Attributes tab on this form with the attributes that have been specified for the vehicle type (and any default values you have specified for the attributes).
Entering a Vehicle
You use the Vehicles (FS203600) form to enter into the system the details about a particular vehicle of your company. For each vehicle you add, you have to specify the type of the vehicle in the Vehicle Type ID box and the branch location where the vehicle is located in the Branch Location box.
If attributes are specified for the vehicle type, you can specify or modify the values of these attributes on the Attributes tab of the form. Values must be specified for each attribute for which the Required check box is selected.
If the vehicle you're entering has already been entered as a fixed asset in the system, you can associate the fixed asset with the vehicle. To do this, you select the identifier of the necessary fixed asset in the Fixed Asset box. If the serial number (that is, the vehicle identification number or VIN) and purchase information has been specified for the vehicle on the Fixed Assets (FA303000) form, the system fills this information on the Vehicles form. For details on fixed assets, see Fixed Asset Entry.
When you save the vehicle information you have entered, the system creates an equipment entity that corresponds to the vehicle on the Equipment (FS205000) form. For this equipment, the system selects the Vehicle check box on this form. In the Equipment Nbr. box, the system assigns an identifier to the equipment based on the numbering sequence specified in the Equipment Numbering Sequence box on the Service Management Preferences (FS100100) form. The system copies this number into the Vehicle ID box of the Vehicles form when you save a new vehicle. For details on equipment, see Managing Equipment.
Specifying Identification Numbers and General Information for a Vehicle
In the Summary area of the Vehicles (FS203600) form, you can specify the license plate number of a vehicle in the License Nbr. box and the vehicle identification number in the VIN box.
- The date when the vehicle was registered in your company in the Registered Date box
- The identification number marked on the engine of the vehicle in the Engine Nbr. box
- The number of axles of the vehicle in the Axles box
- The maximum number of miles per hour for the vehicle in the Max. Miles box
- The unladen weight of the vehicle in the Tare Weight box
- The maximum weight at which a vehicle can be operated in the Gross Vehicle Weight box
- The color of the vehicle in the Color ID box
Specifying Purchase Information
- The way the vehicle was acquired (Property Type)
- The vendor that sold or rented the vehicle (Vendor)
- The date of the purchase (Purchase Date)
- The purchase order number (Purchase PO Number)
- The adquisition cost of the vehicle (Purchase Amount)