Service Management Preferences
Form ID: (FS100100)
On this form, you specify the general settings for the service management functionality, such as calendar settings, validation requirements for service orders and appointments, approval and mailing settings, and default values.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
General Tab
By using this tab, you can define the general settings of the service management functionality.
Element | Description |
Batch Numbering Sequence | The numbering sequence the system uses during the generation of billing documents to assign identifiers to batches of documents. |
Staff Schedule Numbering Sequence | The numbering sequence the system uses to assign identifiers to the staff schedule rules created on the Staff Schedule Rules (FS202001) form. |
Equipment Numbering Sequence | The numbering sequence the system uses to assign identifiers to equipment created on the Equipment (FS205000) form, as well as to vehicles created on the Vehicles (FS203600) form if the Route Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
License Numbering Sequence | The numbering sequence the system uses to assign identifiers to licenses created on the Licenses (FS201000) form. |
Element | Description |
Enable Time & Expenses Integration | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the time activities of staff members can be tracked in the system if this capability is turned on for the service order type of the appointment. The settings that control these capabilities are specified in the Integrating with Time & Expenses section on the Service Order Types (FS202300) form. |
Enable Rooms | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the rooms of branch locations where appointments can be attended can be specified and managed. |
Enable Default Staff in Service Orders | A check box the indicates (if selected) that users can specify default staff members for appointments of a particular service order on the Service Orders (FS300100) form. |
Enable Default Resource Equipment in Service Orders | A check box that indicates (if selected) that users can specify default resource equipment for appointments of a particular service order on the Service Orders form. |
Enable Workflow Stages | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the Workflow Stage box is available in the summary of the Service Orders (FS300100) and Appointments (FS300200) forms. |
Manage Multiple Billing Options per Customer | A check box that indicates (if selected) that multiple billing options can be assigned to a customer depending on the service order type. |
Alert About Open Appointments Before Service Orders Are Closed | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system warns the user about open appointments related to a service order that the user is attempting to close. |
Require Manual Filtering on Billing Forms | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the Apply Filter button on the Run Appointment Billing (FS500100) and Run Service Order Billing (FS500600) forms is available, and users have to filter the appointments or service orders for which they want to view data. |
Track Start and Completion Appointment Locations | A check box that indicates (if selected) that when an appointment is started
and completed, the mobile application detects the GPS coordinates of the device. You
can find these coordinates on the Location tab of the Appointments (FS300200) form. Note: If this check box is selected,
location tracking has to be turned on for a user starting and completing an
appointment, that is the Track Location check box should be
selected for the user on the Location Tracking tab on the
Users (SM201010) form. |
Element | Description |
Default Service Order Type | The service order type that is used by default when a user creates a document on the Service Orders form, Appointments form, or calendar boards if another service order type is not specified in the Default Service Order Type box of the User Profile (SM203010) form for the user. |
Default Service Order Type for Sales Order | The service order type that is used by default when a service order is created from a sales order. |
Default Service Order Type for Cases | The service order type that is used by default when a service order is created from a case. |
Element | Description |
Skills | The validation option the system uses when a staff member is assigned to an
appointment. Select one of the following:
Service Areas | The validation option the system uses when a staff member is assigned to an
appointment. Select one of the following:
Licenses | The validation option the system uses when a staff member is assigned to an
appointment. Select one of the following:
Overlapping Appointments | The validation option the system uses when overlapping appointments are
scheduled to which the same staff member is assigned. Select one of the
Element | Description |
WorkWave API URL | The URL of the WorkWave API used for the optimization. |
License Key | The license key for the integration with WorkWave. |
Lunch Break Duration | The duration of the lunch break, in hours and minutes. |
Lunch Break Start Time | The earliest time when the lunch break can be started, in hours and minutes. |
Lunch Break End Time | The latest time when the lunch break can be finished, in hours and minutes. |
Calendars & Maps Tab
On this tab, you can specify, view, and edit the settings of the calendar boards.
Element | Description |
Work Calendar | The identifier of the calendar that is used in your organization to determine when staff members are available to provide services. you configure the calendar on the Work Calendar (CS209000) form. |
Appointment Resize Precision | The accuracy in minutes for which you can schedule appointments on the calendar
boards. Select one of the following options:
Appointment Auto-Confirm Time | The range, in minutes and hours, that determines whether an appointment is automatically confirmed when a user creates it. An appointment is automatically confirmed if the time range between the creation of the appointment and the scheduled start time of the appointment is less than or equal to the range in this box. Auto-confirmation applies only when the appointment has not been edited after it has been created. By default, this time range is set to 12 hours. |
Number of Staff Members | The number of staff members to be shown on calendar board forms (Calendar Board (FS300300), Staff Calendar Board (FS300400), and Room Calendar Board (FS300700). By default, the box contains 10. If you clear the box and save these changes, all of the field service staff members will be shown on the calendar boards. |
Show Service Orders in a Period Of x Days | An integer that identifies the range for which the service orders are shown on
the Service Orders tab of the Calendar Board
(FS300300), Staff Calendar Board (FS300400), and Room Calendar Board (FS300700) forms. The system determines the dates of the
date range as follows:
By default, this setting is 14. |
Element | Description |
Bing Map API Key | The key that is used for Bing Maps API. You should create an API key on the Bing Maps Dev Center website. |
Refresh GPS Locations Every x Seconds |
The frequency at which the latest staff locations of applicable staff members are refreshed (in seconds) on the Appointment History on Map, Staff Appointments on Map, and Staff Routes on Map forms if the Show Location Tracking check box is selected in the Calendar Settings section of the current form. If the Show Location Tracking check box is selected, location tracking has to be turned on for each particular user whose current location will be displayed on maps on the previously mentioned forms. |
History Time Accuracy x Minutes | The time range between the tracking of driver locations on the Appointment History on Map form. This time range is also used by the system to determine driver movement, along with the distance specified in the History Distance Accuracy box. |
History Distance Accuracy x Kilometers | The accuracy (in kilometers) the system uses to verify the following
information on the Appointment History on Map form:
Show Location Tracking |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the locations of the applicable staff members are shown on the Appointment History on Map (FS301200), Staff Appointments on Map (FS301100), and Staff Routes on Map (FS301000) forms. If this check box is selected, location tracking has to be turned on for each particular user whose current location will be displayed on maps on the previously mentioned forms. You turn on location tracking for individual users on the Users (SM201010) form. For details, see User Access: Mobile Devices. |
Element | Description |
View Mode |
The default orientation of the dashboards on the Calendar Board and Room Calendar Board forms. You can select one of the following options:
By default, the Vertical option is selected. |
Time Range |
The default time range of the dashboards on the Calendar Board and Room Calendar Board forms. You cal select one of the following options:
By default, the Day option is selected. |
Time Filter |
The default time filter (if any) that is applied to the dashboards on the Calendar Board and Room Calendar Board forms. You can select one of the following options:
By default, the Cleared Filter option is selected. |
Day Start Time | The start time of working hours related to field services. This value is used when the Working Time or Working Time and Weekdays time filter is applied to the dashboard of the Calendar Board and Room Calendar Board forms. |
Day End Time | The end time of working hours related to field services. This value is used when the Working Time or Working Time and Weekdays time filter is applied to a dashboard of the Calendar Board and Room Calendar Board forms. |
Day Resolution | The default time resolution for the Day time period in the Horizontal view mode on the Calendar Board and Room Calendar Board forms. That is, the value that represents a default time interval of time slots on the calendars for the Day time period. |
Week Resolution | The default time resolution for the Week time period in the Horizontal view mode on the Calendar Board and Room Calendar Board forms. That is, the value that represents a default time interval of time slots on the calendars for the Week time period. |
Month Resolution | The default time resolution for the Month time period in the Horizontal view mode on the Calendar Board and Room Calendar Board forms. That is, the value that represents a default time interval of time slots on the calendars for the Month time period. |
Mailing & Printing Tab
The Mailing & Printing tab contains the list of the predefined mailings for the appointments. Mailings are used to send notifications about an appointment to the scheduled staff members, the customer contact, or the staff members of the appointment's geographical zone. The mailing settings specified here are used as default values for the mailing settings of service order types. Emails for active mailings are sent when you invoke the action specific to the mailing. These emails can contain details on service orders, appointments, the equipment of the service, and other information.
You can modify predefined mailings or add new custom mailings. To add a new custom mailing to be used for customers, you need to define automation steps for the forms on which specific documents are created or processed.
The tab includes the Default Sources table, with the list of mailings, and the Default Recipients table, with the list of recipient types.
Column | Description |
Active | A check box that (if selected) indicates that this mailing is active. Only active mailings can be used. |
Mailing ID | The unique identifier of the mailing. An alphanumeric string of up to 10
characters can be used. The following mailings are predefined to inform users and
external contacts about the noted events:
Default Email Account | The system email account to be used by default for the mailing. If no account is specified in this box, the default system account is used. |
Report | The identifier of the report, such as Service Order or Appointment, to be used as the email's body (if a report is used for this mailing). Select the report from the list. |
Email Template | The email template to be used to generate the body of the email (if an email
template is used for this mailing). Attention: For each mailing, you can
use only one of the options as the body of the email: a report or a notification
template (email template). |
Format | The format in which the report (if applicable) is sent by default if a recipient has no other preferences. Select one of the following options: Text, HTML, Excel, or PDF. |
Recipients | The way the system specifies recipients in the generated email. The following
options are available:
Column | Description |
Active | A check box that (if selected) indicates that this contact or contact type is active. Only active recipients receive the emails. |
Contact Type | The type of contact to receive the emails generated for the mailing. Select one
of the following:
Contact ID | The identifier of the recipient. A particular recipient can be selected only if Employee was specified as the Contact Type. This employee receives all the emails generated for the selected mailing. |
Format | The format in which the report (if applicable) is sent. Select one of the following options: Text, HTML, Excel, or PDF. |
Add To | The To, CC, and BCC options, which are available in this column, determine the element in which the recipient will be included in the generated email. |