Equipment Inquiries
In MYOB Advanced, you can easily view the needed details of the equipment that your company services and the appointments in which the equipment was involved.
In this topic, you will read about viewing equipment details and equipment appointments.
Viewing Equipment-Related Stock Items
On the Model Equipment and Component Summary (FS400400) form, you can view the list of all the stock items defined in the system as model equipment or components. You can filter the list by item class ID.
Viewing Equipment Details
On the Equipment Summary (FS400200) form, you can view the list of all equipment added to the system and its general information, such as type, description, serial number, owner information, model, and installation date. You can filter the list by equipment type, customer (for equipment owned by customers rather than your company), customer location, and model (stock item ID).
To view the details of a particular equipment entity, you can click its equipment number in the Equipment Nbr. column. The system navigates to the Equipment (FS205000) form.
Viewing Component Details
On the Component Summary (FS400700) form, you can view the list of all components related to target equipment in your system You can filter the list by equipment entity, customer (for equipment owned by customers rather than your company), customer location, and model (stock item ID).
To view the details of the equipment related to a particular component, you can click the equipment number in the Equipment Nbr. column. The system navigates to the Equipment (FS205000) form.
Viewing Equipment Appointments
- On the form toolbar, on the More menu (under Inquiries), click Resource Equipment History if the selected equipment is resource equipment.
- On the form toolbar, on the More menu (under Inquiries), click Target Equipment History if the selected equipment is target equipment.