Appointment Details
Form ID: (FS400500)
On this form, you can view all the items of the appointments defined in the system and their details.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.
Selection Area
You can use the elements in this area to view in the table the appointments that are most relevant to the information you need. Most of these boxes can be left blank to view a broader range of information.
Element | Description |
Branch | The branch for which you want to view appointments. |
Branch Location | The branch location for which you want to view appointments. |
Customer |
The customer for which you want to view appointments. The list of customers available for selection
may be limited based on the role or roles assigned to the user account to which you are
signed in if the Customer and Vendor Visibility Restriction feature is enabled on
the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. In this case, the
Restrict Visibility To box appears on the
Financial tab of the Customers (AR303000) form. With the feature enabled, a
customer is available for selection if one of the following is true:
Location | The customer location for which you want to view appointments. |
Service Order Type | The type of the service order for which you want to view appointments. |
Service Order Nbr. | The number of the service order for which you want to view appointments. |
Service Contract ID | The number of the service contract whose appointments you want to view along with their details. |
Schedule ID | The reference number of the schedule for the service contract for which you want to view appointments. |
Item | The inventory item that was used in service orders for which you want to view appointments. |
Target Equipment | The target equipment for which you want to view appointments. |
From Scheduled Date | The start date of the date range when appointments that you want to view are scheduled. |
To Scheduled Date | The end date of the date range when appointments that you want to view are scheduled. |
This table displays the list of the services, non-stock, and stock items of the appointments according to the criteria you have specified in the Selection area.
Element | Description |
Branch ID | The branch that provided the services. |
Branch Location ID | The branch location that provided the services. |
Service Order Type | The type of the service order associated with the appointment. |
Service Order Nbr. | The number of the service order related to the appointment. |
Appointment Nbr. | The number of the appointment. |
Customer ID | The unique identifier of the customer that ordered the service. |
Location ID | The unique identifier of the customer location where the appointment takes place. |
Scheduled Date | The planned day when the appointment should be attended. |
Actual Date | The actual date when the appointment took place. |
Actual Start Time | The actual time when the appointment started. |
Actual End Time | The actual time when the appointment ended. |
Status | The status of the appointment, which is one of the following options:
Line Type | The type of the item related to the appointment. |
Inventory ID | The identifier of the item related to the appointment. |
Target Equipment ID | The identifier of the target equipment related to the appointment. |
Equipment Nbr. | The number of the target equipment that replaced the target equipment of this line. |
Component ID | The identifier of the component related to the equipment. |
Billable | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the inventory item is billable—that is, the billing rule for the item is set to Flat Rate or Time. |
Estimated Quantity | The estimated quantity of this line item. |
Estimated Amount | The estimated amount of the transaction, which is the unit price multiplied by the estimated quantity or estimated duration. |
Actual Quantity | The number of this item in the appointment. |
Actual Amount | The actual amount of the transaction associated with the appointment. |
Batch Number | The number of the posting batch with the document associated with the appointment. You can click a link to view the posting batch on the Service Billing Batches (FS305800) form. |
Generated In | The document that was generated to bill the customer, which is one of the
following options:
Document Type | The type of document generated, which is one of the following options:
Document Nbr. | The link of the document generated in the system. |
PO Nbr. |
The number of the purchase order related to service orders. This column is available only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. |
PO Status |
The status of the purchase order related to the service order. This column is available only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. |
Actual Duration |
The total actual time that staff members took to perform the services in the appointment. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Billing Customer |
The customer that will be billed for the item. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Billing Location |
The customer location related to the billing process. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Cost Code |
The cost code with which the item is associated to track project costs and revenue. This column appears on the form only if the Cost Codes feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Cost Code Description |
The description of the cost code with which the item is associated. This column appears on the form only if the Cost Codes feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Description |
A description of the item of the line. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Line Status |
The status of the service or item. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Mark for PO |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the item was marked for purchasing. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Project Description |
The description of the project related to the line item. This column appears on the form only if the Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Project ID |
The identifier of the project related to the line item. This column appears on the form only if the Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Row Number |
The number of the row in the table. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Service Contract ID |
The identifier of the service contract associated with the appointment. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Source Service Contract ID |
The identifier of the service contract from whose schedules the appointment has been generated. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Task Description |
The description of the project task that is assigned to the service order. This column appears on the form only if the Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Task ID |
The identifier of the project task that is assigned to the service order. This column appears on the form only if the Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Vendor ID |
The identifier of the vendor who performed the service or provided the item. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Vendor Location ID |
The vendor location related to the item. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |
Workflow Stage ID |
The stage that reflects the workflow progress of the service order. The stages are defined on the Workflow Stages (FS202100) form. By default, this column is hidden. For details on how to display hidden columns, see To Hide or Display Table Columns. |