To Create a Send and Receive Email Schedule
To schedule the process of sending and receiving emails in MYOB Advanced, do the following:
- Open the Send and Receive Email (SM507010) form.
- In the Action box, select Send/Receive All.
- On the form toolbar, click Automation Schedules (SM205020) form as a pop-up. . This opens the
- On the Automation Schedules, in the Description box, type a brief description of the schedule, such as Send and Receive Email Schedule.
- On the Details tab, select the following settings:
- No Execution Limit: Selected
- No Expiration Date: Selected
- On the Schedule tab, specify the following settings
(assuming, as an example, that a daily schedule is best for optimal response
- In the Schedule Type section, select Daily for the schedule to be executed every day.
- In Schedule Details section, in the Next Execution Date box, select the current date.
- In the Every box, type 1 Day(s).
- In the Execution Time section, in the Every box, type the interval between successive sessions of schedule execution in hours and minutes—for example, type 00:05 to execute the schedule every five minutes.
- On the Filter Values tab, add a row in the table with the
following settings:
- Active: Selected
- Field Name: Action
- Relative: Cleared
- Value: Send/Receive All
- Ignore Error: Cleared
- Click Save & Close on the form toolbar to apply the settings.