Sale of Matrix Items: To Import an Order with Matrix Items
The following activity will walk you through the processes of purchasing products with variants (matrix items) in the Shopify store and importing the sales order with these products into MYOB Advanced.
Suppose that SweetLife Fruits & Jams sells juices (which are defined in MYOB Advanced as matrix items based on the JUICE template item) in its Shopify store. Acting as an implementation consultant helping SweetLife to set up the integration between MYOB Advanced and the Shopify store, you want to explore how online orders containing matrix items (product variants) are imported to MYOB Advanced and review the results of the import.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will do the following:
- On the storefront of the Shopify store, place an order with two variants of the Juice product.
- On the Prepare Data (BC501000) form, prepare the sales order data for synchronization; on the Process Data (BC501500) form, process the prepared data.
- On the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, review the imported sales order.
System Preparation
Before you complete the instructions in this activity, do the following:
- Make sure that the following prerequisites have been met:
- The Shopify store has been created and configured, as described in Initial Configuration: To Set Up a Shopify Store.
- The connection to the Shopify store has been established and the initial configuration has been performed, as described in Initial Configuration: To Configure the Store Connection.
- The JUICE template item has been exported to the Shopify store, as described in Sale of Matrix Items: To Export Matrix Items.
- The SHOPIFYPAY payment method has been defined and mapped to the store payment method configured for the Shopify Payments payment provider, as described in Order Synchronization: To Configure and Import Shopify Payments.
- Sign in to the admin area of the Shopify store as the store administrator.
Step 1: Creating an Order
To create an order for five 32-fluid-ounce bottles of peach juice and five 16-fluid-ounce bottles of apple juice in the storefront, do the following:
- In the left menu of the admin area, click Preview right of Online Store.
- On the storefront, start typing juice in the search bar, and then select Juice in the search results.
- On the page for Juice, select the following options:
- Ingredient: Peach
- Package: Glass bottle
- Volume: 32 fl oz
- Click Add to cart.
- On the page of Juice, select the following options:
- Ingredient: Apple
- Package: Glass bottle
- Volume: 16 fl oz
- Click Add to cart.
- In the confirmation pop-up window that opens, click View my cart.
- In your cart, specify a quantity of 5 for each product, and click Check out.
- On the order creation page, specify the needed settings as follows:
- In the Contact information section, in the Email or mobile phone number box, type
- In the Shipping address section, specify the
following settings:
- First name: Melody
- Last name: Keys
- Address: 3402 Angus Road
- City: New York
- Country/region: United States
- State: New York
- ZIP code: 10003
- At the bottom of the page, click Continue to shipping.
- On the order creation page (Shipping step), in the Shipping method section, make sure that the Economy option button is selected, and click Continue to payment.
- On the order creation page (Payment step), in the
Payment section, specify the following settings under
Credit card:
- Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
- Name on card: Melody Keys
- Expiration date: 12/23
- Security code: 123
- In the Billing address section, select the Same as shipping address option button.
- Click Pay now to place and pay your order.
Your order has been created, and on the confirmation page, the order number is displayed. You will process the order with this order number further in this activity.
Step 2: Importing the Sales Order
To import the order that you created to MYOB Advanced, do the following:
- Sign in to MYOB Advanced by using the following credentials:
- Username: gibbs
- Password: 123
- Open the Prepare Data (BC501000) form.
- In the Summary area, specify the following settings:
- Store: SweetStore - SP
- Prepare Mode: Incremental
- In the table, select the Selected check box in the row of the Sales Order entity.
- On the form toolbar, click Prepare.
- In the Processing dialog box, which opens, click Close to close the dialog box.
- In the row of the Sales Order entity, click the link with the number of prepared synchronization records in the Ready to Process column.
- On the Process Data (BC501500) form, which opens with the SweetStore - SP store and the Sales Order entity selected, select the unlabeled check box in the row of the order that you created in Step 1, and on the form toolbar, click Process.
- In the Processing dialog box, which opens, click Close to close the dialog box.
Step 3: Reviewing the Imported Sales Order
To review the details of the imported sales order, do the following:
- Open the Sync History (BC301000) form.
- In the Summary area of the form, specify the following settings:
- Store: SweetStore - SP
- Entity: Sales Order
- On the Processed tab, in the row of the sales order that you have just imported (which you can locate by its external ID), click the link in the ERP ID column.
- On the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, which opens for the
imported order, review the order details.
On the Details tab, notice that a separate line was added for each product variant that was sold. The Inventory ID column contains the identifiers of the matrix items generated for the JUICE template item (which are PCH-32OZ-GBT and APL-16OZ-GBT) and not the identifier of the JUICE template item itself.
For the purposes of this activity, you do not need to process the sales order.