Automated Synchronization: To Activate a Predefined Automation Schedule
The following activity will walk you through the setup and activation of two predefined automation schedules that start the data preparation and data processing for sales orders.
Suppose that as an implementation consultant helping SweetLife to set up integration with Shopify, you want to configure continuous synchronization of entities. As part of the setup, you need to configure the system to capture new and changed sales orders in Shopify every 10 minutes and import these changes to MYOB Advanced.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will set up and activate the predefined automation schedule on the Automation Schedules (SM205020) form to prepare sales order data. Then on the same form, you will set up and activate the predefined automation schedule for processing the prepared sales order data.
System Preparation
Before you perform the instructions of this activity, do the following:
- Make sure that the following prerequisites have been met:
- The Shopify store has been created and configured, as described in Initial Configuration: To Set Up a Shopify Store.
- The connection to the Shopify store has been established and the initial configuration has been performed, as detailed in Initial Configuration: To Configure the Store Connection.
- Sign in to an MYOB Advanced instance with the U100 dataset preloaded. You should sign in by using
the following credentials:
- Username: gibbs
- Password: 123
- Sign in to the admin area of the Shopify store as the store administrator in the same browser.
Step 1: Activating and Setting Up the First Synchronization Schedule
To set up and activate the first predefined synchronization schedule, which will start the data preparation process for the sales order data, do the following:
- Open the Automation Schedules (SM205020) form.
- In the Schedule ID box of the Summary area, select
Prepare Sales Orders.
On the Details tab, notice that the schedule does not have an expiration date or execution limit (that is, the No Expiration Date and No Execution Limit check boxes are selected). On the Schedule tab, the Daily schedule type is selected, and in the Execution Time section, Every is set to 00:10.
- On the Schedule Details tab, in the Next Execution Date box, make sure the current date (that is, today's date) is specified.
- On the Filter Values tab, add a row to the table, and in
the added row, specify the following settings:
- Active: Selected
- Field Name: Store
- Value: SweetStore - SP
With these settings, the data preparation process will be started for the SweetStore - SP store.
- In the Summary area, select the Active check box to activate the automation schedule.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
Now when the schedule is executed, which will happen every 10 minutes until you deactivate or delete the schedule, any changes that have occurred in sales orders in SweetStore - SP since the previous data preparation, will be pulled to MYOB Advanced and placed in the processing queue. In the next step, you will set up an automation schedule that will start data processing for the prepared sales order data.
Step 2: Activating and Setting Up the Second Synchronization Schedule
To set up and activate the second predefined synchronization schedule, which will start data processing for the prepared sales order data, do the following:
- Open the Automation Schedules (SM205020) form.
- In the Schedule ID box of the Summary area, select
Sales Orders.
On the Details tab, notice that the schedule does not have an expiration date or execution limit (that is, the No Expiration Date and No Execution Limit check boxes are selected). On the Schedule tab, the Daily schedule type is selected, and in the Execution Time section, Every is set to 00:10.
- On the Schedule Details tab, in the Next Execution Date box, make sure the current date (that is, today's date) is specified.
- On the Filter Values tab, add a row to the table, and in
the added row, specify the following settings:
- Active: Selected
- Field Name: Store
- Value: SweetStore - SP
With these settings, data processing will be started for the SweetStore - SP store.
- In the Summary area, select the Active check box to activate the automation schedule.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
The schedule will now start the processing of the prepared sales order data for the SweetStore - SP store every 10 minutes.