Product Synchronization: Related Items
For each stock and non-stock item in MYOB Advanced, an organization can maintain a list of related items that shoppers might be interested in buying in addition to or instead of the original item. These items might include items complementary to the original item (for example, a cover case or a mouse may be offered to the customer when a laptop is purchased), additional services (such as, assembly services for sold furniture), items that are purchased by other shoppers with similar buying habits, and higher-priced variants of the original item.
When the Related Items feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Related Items tab is displayed on the Stock Items (IN202500) and Non-Stock Items (IN202000) forms. On this tab, you can list the items related to the original item (which is the stock or non-stock item that is selected on the form) and specify the relation.
If the BigCommerce Connector features is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the integration between the MYOB Advanced instance and the BigCommerce store has been configured, you can export stock and non-stock items from MYOB Advanced to the BigCommerce store along with the list of related items that have been defined for each item.
During the configuration of a BigCommerce store, on the Inventory Settings tab of the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) form, you can select the types of related items whose information needs to be exported to the BigCommerce store during the synchronization of stock and non-stock items. You select the check box for any or all of the following options:
- Cross-Sell
- Up-Sell
- Substitute
- Other
By default, none of these options is selected, and during the synchronization of stock, non-stock, and items with the BigCommerce store, information about related items is not exported to the BigCommerce store, even if the item relations have been specified in MYOB Advanced. If an option is selected in this box and any related items are specified for the original stock or non-stock item with a relation that corresponds to the selected option, the information about the related item is exported to the BigCommerce store when the original item is exported.
After the original item has been exported to the BigCommerce store, all its related items are listed in the Related Products section of the product management page. When a shopper browses the original item on the storefront, they can see the list of its related items at the bottom of the product page (depending on the theme applied to the store).