Importing Card Refunds: Order-Level Refunds
An order-level refund may be issued, for example, if a customer has been overcharged or is not content with the quality of the product or service and needs to be partially reimbursed.
During the import of refunds on order amounts, if the original sales order has the Open or On Hold status on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, the following actions occur:
- On the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form, the system creates a payment of the Refund type in the refunded amount and applies it to the original payment. If the sales order is fully refunded or canceled and the processing status of the original payment is Authorized, the original payment is voided.
- In the original sales order, on the Details tab of the Sales Orders form, the system inserts a line for the non-stock item that was specified in the Refund Amount Item box on the Order Settings tab of the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) form. In the Unit Price and Ext. Price columns, the system inserts the reversed refund amount (that is, the amount with the minus sign). In the Reason Code column, the system inserts the reason code that was specified on the Order Settings tab of the BigCommerce Stores form.
The following diagram illustrates the processing of an order-level refund for a card-based payment method that is issued before the sales order has been shipped.

If the original sales order has the Completed status on the Sales Orders form, the following actions are performed:
- On the Sales Orders form, the system creates a return order of the type selected in the Return Order Type box on the Order Settings tab of the BigCommerce Stores form. In the External Reference box of the Summary area, the system inserts the identifier of the refund in the BigCommerce store.
- In the return order, on the Details tab, the system inserts a line with the non-stock item that was specified in the Refund Amount Item box on the Order Settings tab of the BigCommerce Stores form. In the Unit Price and Ext. Price columns, the system inserts the refund amount. In the Reason Code column, the system inserts the reason code that was specified on the Order Settings tab of the BigCommerce Stores form.
- On the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form, creates a payment of the Refund type in the refunded amount and links it to the return order.
The following diagram illustrates the processing of an order-level refund for a card-based payment method that is issued after the sales order has been shipped.

If the original sales order has a status other than Open, On Hold, or Completed on the Sales Orders form, the system displays an error message saying that the refund cannot be applied.