Opportunities: To Create an Opportunity by Using the MYOB Mobile App
The following activity will help you create an opportunity by using the MYOB mobile app.
Suppose that you are David Chubb, a sales manager of the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company. You are currently on a business trip and cannot use your laptop at the moment. Fred Robinson, a store manager at the Store Cart supermarket, has called you and asked you to place an urgent order for assorted teas (black, fruit, and green), 50 packs of each. You need to create an opportunity in MYOB Advanced.
Configuration Overview
In the U100 dataset, for the purposes of this activity, the following tasks have been performed:
- On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Customer Management feature has been enabled: This feature provides the customer relationship management (CRM) functionality, including lead and customer tracking, as well as the handling of sales opportunities, contacts, marketing lists, and campaigns.
- On the Business Accounts (CR303000) form, the STORECART business account has been created in the system and extended as a customer with its settings specified on the Customers (AR303000) form.
- On the Contacts (CR302000) form, the Fred Robinson contact has been created in the system and associated with the STORECART business account.
- On the Stock Items (IN202500) form, the BLACKTEA06, FRUITTEA12, and GREENTEA06 stock items, which hold the settings of the products, have been created.
System Preparation
Before you start creating a new opportunity in the system by using the MYOB mobile app, you should do the following:
- Download and install the MYOB mobile app on the mobile device that you will use for creating an opportunity
in the system. The mobile app for iOS is available in the Apple Store and the
mobile app for Android is available in Google Play.Attention: The instructions in the activity steps below may slightly differ in the MYOB mobile app depending on whether the device is running iOS or Android.
- Make sure that the MYOB Advanced instance has been hosted over HTTPS or ask a system administrator to perform this task for you. For more information, see Setting Up an HTTPS Service in Web Server (IIS).
Process Overview
In this activity, you will do the following by using the MYOB mobile app:
- Sign in to the MYOB mobile app.
- Create an opportunity for an existing customer by using the MYOB mobile app.
Step 1: Signing In to the MYOB Mobile App
To sign in to the MYOB mobile app, do the following:
- On the mobile device, tap the application icon to launch the app.
- Optional: If you are signing in for the first time, in the Server URL box, enter the URL of your MYOB Advanced instance (for example, https://my.site.acumatica.com).
- Optional: In the Account Name box, specify the name of the user account.
- Tap Next.
- Sign in to the system as the sales manager by using the chubb username and the 123 password.
Step 2: Creating an Opportunity by Using the MYOB Mobile App
To create an opportunity with the contact Fred Robinson of the STORECART customer by using the MYOB mobile app, do the following:
- On the main menu of the app, make sure that the U100 tenant is selected.
- In the CRM workspace, tap the Plus button next to the
Opportunities tile.
The Summary tab opens.
- Specify the settings as follows:
- Class ID: Select Product Sales.
- Subject: Type Sale of assorted teas, black, fruit, and green.
- Stage: Select Development.
- Business Account: Select STORECART.
- Tap the Check Mark button to save the opportunity.
- Tap the screen menu.
- On the screen menu, tap Open. This expands the Details group of elements.
- In the Details group of elements, do the following:
- In the Reason box, select In Process.
- In the Stage box, select Negotiation.
- Tap OK.
- On the Details tab, do the following to add the
BLACKTEA06 stock item:
- Tap the Plus button.
- In the Inventory ID box, select BLACKTEA06.
- In the Quantity box, type 50.
- Tap the Save button.
- Add the FRUITTEA12 stock item as follows:
- Tap the Plus button.
- In the Inventory ID box, select FRUITTEA12.
- In the Quantity box, type 50.
- Tap the Check Mark button.
- Add the GREENTEA06 stock item as follows:
- Tap the Plus button.
- In the Inventory ID box, select GREENTEA06.
- In the Quantity box, type 50.
- Tap the Check Mark button.
On the Details tab, notice that the BLACKTEA06, FRUITTEA12, and GREENTEA06 stock items have been added.
- Tap the Check Mark button to save the changes to the opportunity.