Opportunities: To Create an Opportunity with an Item Without an Inventory ID
The following activity demonstrates how to add to an opportunity any products or services that have not been defined in MYOB Advanced as stock or non-stock items with inventory IDs.
Suppose that you are David Chubb, a sales manager of the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company. You have received a message from your customer Roland Mercier, who is a manager at the Cuisine Green Cafe chain in New York. Roland would like to buy a new juicer that can make pomegranate juice for the cafe, and you discussed this deal with him last week. The expected sales price for this juicer is $4300, and you have agreed to give the customer a $50 discount. You have just received these new juicers in the warehouse, but they have not been added to the system yet. You want to add the opportunity to MYOB Advanced now.
Configuration Overview
In the U100 dataset, for the purposes of this activity, the following tasks have been performed:
- On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Customer Management feature has been enabled. This feature provides the customer relationship management (CRM) functionality, including lead and customer tracking, as well as the handling of sales opportunities, contacts, marketing lists, and campaigns.
- On the Business Accounts (CR303000) form, the GREENCAFE business account has been created in the system. It has also been extended as a customer, with its settings specified on the Customers (AR303000) form.
- On the Contacts (CR302000) form, the Roland Mercier contact has been created in the system and associated with the GREENCAFE business account.
- On the Opportunity Classes (CR209000) form, the PRODUCT opportunity class has been created.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will create an opportunity for the existing GREENCAFE business account on the Opportunities (CR304000) form, add a pomegranate juicer without an inventory ID to the opportunity, and apply a $50 discount to the item.
System Preparation
Before you start creating opportunities manually, you should do the following:
- Launch the MYOB Advanced website with the U100 dataset preloaded.
- Sign in to the system as sales manager David Chubb by using the following
- Username: chubb
- Password: 123
- Make sure that on the Company and Branch Selection menu, in the top pane of the MYOB Advanced screen, the SweetLife Head Office and Wholesale Center branch is selected.
Step: Creating an Opportunity with an Item Without an Inventory ID
To create an opportunity with Roland Mercier of GREENCAFE to reflect his intention to buy one pomegranate juicer with a $50 discount, do the following:
- On the Opportunities (CR304000) form, create a new record.
- In the Summary area of the Opportunities form, do the
- In the Class ID box, select PRODUCT.
- In the Stage box, select Solution.
- In the Estimated Close Date box, select the estimated date of the deal closure (for example, tomorrow's date).
- In the Subject box, add Sale of the new pomegranate juicer.
- In the Business Account box, select GREENCAFE. Notice that in the Contact box, Roland Mercier is selected.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
- On the form toolbar, click Open to indicate in the system that you have started working on the opportunity.
- In the Details dialog box, which opens, do the following:
- In the Reason box, select In Process
- In the Stage box, leave Solution
- Click OK to save the setting and close the dialog box
- On the Details tab of the form (to which you return), add
a row with the details of the item to be sold as follows:
- Inventory ID: Empty
- Description: A pomegranate juicer
- Quantity: 1
- Unit Price: 4300
- Discount Amount: 50
A $50 discount is applied to the line.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
You have created an opportunity with the item that has no an inventory ID and applied the discount to the item.