Approvals: Delegation of Approvals
In MYOB Advanced, a temporary delegation rule may be created for an employee. During the specified period, all approval requests that originally would be assigned to this employee in accordance with a rule of an approval map may be delegated to another employee. This may help your organization to keep its approval flow running smoothly even if the original approver assigned through an approval map is temporarily unavailable, without administrators having to update existing approval maps.
Configuring Delegation of Approvals
To enable delegation of approvals for a particular employee, on the Delegates tab of the Employees (EP203000) form, you need to add rows to the table with delegation rules for the employee by doing the following:
- In the Delegation Of column, you select Approvals to indicate that the delegation rule applies to approvals.
- In the Delegated To column, you select the delegate to whom you want to delegate the employee's approval activities.
- In the Starts On column, you specify the starting date of the delegation period during which approval requests can be reassigned to the specified delegate.
- In the Expires On column, you specify the date after which the delegation rule is no longer applicable and previously reassigned approval requests that have not yet been processed are assigned back to the employee.
If you want to temporarily deactivate a rule, clear the Active check box in the row with this rule.
You can use the Delegates tab of the User Profile (SM203010) form in the same manner to configure delegation rules for yourself (that is, for the currently signed-in user).
Processing Delegation Rules
To apply previously configured delegation rules, you must use the Reassign Delegated Activities (EP503020) form. Also, this form can be used to return delegated activities to the original approver if the relevant delegation rules are no longer effective.
By using the Process or Process All buttons on the form toolbar, you can run the reassignment of only selected records or of all listed records, respectively. Each involved record is processed as follows:
- If the current date is within the delegation period determined by the dates in the Starts On and Expires On columns, the record is reassigned to the employee specified in the Delegated To column.
- If the current date is outside the delegation period, the record is reassigned to the employee specified in the Original Assignee column.
The reassignment of delegated activities may be automated through the use of automation schedules. You can use the predefined automation schedule, Reassign delegated activities, that is available for the form; this schedule is set up to run hourly.
On the Reassigned filter tab of the Approvals (EP503010) form, a user can view a list of the records that were originally assigned for approval to the currently signed-in user but are now assigned to a different approver. Delegates must have appropriate access rights to view and approve the records reassigned to them for approval.